Compile time

In the implementationmakeWhen the instruction is compiled, something like this may occurYou do not an SDKThe error. This is because the Xcode version is not specified. You can run the following command to check whether the default version of Xcode is specified.

$ xcode-select -p
Copy the code

Then run the following command to change the specified default version. The official link

$ sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
Copy the code

If there is a cache problem, run the clean command to resolve it.

During the packaging

In the implementationmake packageWhen the deb package is packaged, ifIO::Compress::LzmaThe error can be resolved in either of the following ways:

  • Modify and files.

    1. Run the following command to modifydm.plFile:
    $ vim $THEOS/vendor/
    Copy the code

    Find the following two lines in the file, comment.

    # use IO::Compress::Lzma;
    # use IO::Compress::Xz;
    Copy the code
    1. Run the following command to change the passworddeb.mkFile.
    $ vim $THEOS/makefiles/package/
    Copy the code


  • Install the XZ tool for macOS

    $ brew install xz 
    $ sudo cpan IO :: Compress :: Lzma
    Copy the code

There is a note, initialize, Package Name [com. Yourcompany. Wechatpwddemo] : not in all capital letters. Uppercase letters will not cause problems at compile time, but will cause errors at package time.