Writing in the front

Although this demo has few functions, most of the vuex knowledge points are in it

Application item address portal agent address is here

This is written with VUe2.0 high copy of Vivo store address here

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Front-end exchange group 740625675 like-minded can be added to learn together!

Code review

Vuex official documentation https://vuex.vuejs.org/ I think the official documentation is very detailed

LocalStorage is used to store data locally

const state={
    home:localStorage["home"]? JSON.parse(localStorage["home"]): [],
    item:localStorage["item"]? JSON.parse(localStorage["item"] : [],}export default state

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const mutations={
        localStorage.setItem("item",JSON.stringify(state.item)); }}export default mutations

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const actions={
    setOrder ({commit}, data) {
        commit('SET_SHIXIANG', data);
export default actions

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Project screenshots

Project running

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build
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Write in the last

A front-end intern, do not do well, but also hope the big mouth soft spray big guy I want a star