You also know the importance of this demand. We are an enterprise of TO B, and customers are very important. Besides, this is a big customer. . In the first row, by the window, a girl with black-rimmed glasses stands next to a chubby boy, clutching a laptop. In front of the computer screen, a pale, starchy hair, slightly dark circles under the eyes of a young man with glazed eyes, chin on his hand seems to be in meditation, obviously, the black glasses next to the girl’s words, did not attract his attention. Even though glasses sister began with a lot of boys like to hear those two words, but still did not move him. Broken broken read for a long time, glasses younger sister see small boy have no reaction, willow eyebrow a vertical, fierce ground throw out 1 “anyway the boss request, you look at do.” He angrily turned away. Glasses sister just turned to leave, the guy will long long breath, in the heart dark scold “TMD, did not think good TM do not mention demand, this changed all the third time, but also to change, do not let people live”.

The term “handsome” has become familiar to him. It is not a boy who looks good, in fact, the young man is also an ordinary man, small eyes with slightly black eye circles, a pair of big black-framed glasses on the top of the nose, beside the nose, there are several acne, slightly thick lips, showing a few teeth, uneven. If it weren’t for his height, he wouldn’t stand out in the crowd. He is Zhang Xiaoshuai, the company in all had dealt with all call him “handsome boy”. The reason is very simple, the name with a “handsome” at the end of the word, and because the appearance is anxious, after the word “elder brother” is natural. As for why the name should add a “handsome”. It started when the boy was born.

On an ordinary day 28 years ago, there was neither heavenly vision nor purple spirit rushing through the court. Our future programmer Xiao Shuai has arrived in this Brave New World. With the desire for a new world and a better future, the “Hello world” of “Wow” was heard throughout the delivery room, and the father outside was very worried until this moment, the stone in his heart finally dropped. Small handsome father surprised extremely took over the child, carefully looked at along while muttering “ugly is ugly, but after all is a belt, MY old Zhang jia is also after”, at that time of the countryside, heavy evil male kiss female old thought prevailing.

Because he was ugly when he was born, his father with a junior high school diploma added a “handsome” to our boy’s name, of course, it was also a good hope for the little handsome. As for the reason of adding “xiao” in the middle of the name, the reason is more simple, easy to call, if there is really something to mean, that is, the father wants xiao Shuai to be low-key, so he added “xiao”. However two old ten thousand did not think of is today after these 28 years, small handsome got “handsome boy” such a nickname.

Zhang Xiaoshuai is still a single, home of the two old people have been entrusted to introduce more than three or four little girls, have been small shuai rejected. The reason is simple – “too young”. Even with that excuse. The real reason small handsome heart is also clear, mainly their own confidence, feel that one is not a handsome boy, the second ability is also general.

Xiao Shuai is an ordinary class born, decided to leave the second line Alma mater location of Nanjing, came to Shanghai such a first-tier city work struggle. Is to want to mix the fight, now four years later, still lived close to rent, big morning carrying the steamed stuffed bun, crowded subway, in such a fast-paced cities rush about, although a little savings, but for the same prices in Shanghai day still is a drop in the ocean, “ah, I have the strength to fall in love”. Small handsome once so sigh.

Actually little handsome don’t find a girlfriend there is another reason, small handsome very shy, shy to blush the kind of strange girls see at a glance, he is worried about embarrassing when dealing with no topic to chat, although can and sister, but only limited to the demand of bargaining, other times in front of the girls is one leng, a poker face, soul is very dull. He is also yearning to take off single, but he is not active, so always hope to have a more active some of the girls to find him.

Small shuai this major is weak current major, but because of their own welding circuit board destroyed N board, then feel that they are not suitable for the hardware of this road, began to study up the software. In fact, let small handsome programmers on this road there is a strange reason, is a few years ago more popular TV series “My budget male”, probably the plot is beautiful female gave up the pursuit of the rich second generation, and an honest IT male finally came together, happy ending! This TV series to small handsome young heart deep impression: “the original honest IT man so popular with girls, oneself is not that kind of type yao.” So he ditched his major and jumped into software development. But never expected is that this cost thousands of dollars of work for four years, have not met that “He Xiaojun” (” My budget male “female protagonist). He had doubts about his choice, but stuck with the Nike slogan: “Just do it!”

The lens pulls reality, a guy, ge You lies on the station, small eyes to the ceiling is dazed, let’s just say when he is thinking glasses younger sister’s demand changes.

He is Zhang Xiaoshuai, a slightly dull actually heart hot stuffy coquettish, because of a TV play into the IT pit of the common programmer.

“Feed, handsome boy, have lunch, this all time, have a meal not active, afternoon work return ability active?” In the small shuai hands holding the back of the head empty self, was a voice called back to god, turned to see a smile coming is a thin like monkey boy, Wang Luofei.

Interspersed with rich IT knowledge of the novel, quickly to pay attention to the public number “programmer old cat”, the first time update!!