Object.hasownproperty (a) differs from Object.a
  let obj={a:1.b:2,}


  // Common methods will look for the property/method on the prototype chain, that is, the newly defined property C on Object.prototype

  if(obj.c){ console.log('hasC')}//hasC

  // But using hasOwnProperty() does not look for the key defined on the prototype chain

  if(obj.hasOwnProperty('c')) {console.log('hasOwnProperty')}// Can't print

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Obj.hasownproperty does not find properties of the prototype chain on Object, but obj.c does

2, JS, floating point Numbers, use or operation ` | 0 ` integer

When you look at the React source code, see this line:

return MAGIC_NUMBER_OFFSET - ((ms / UNIT_SIZE) | 0);

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| 0 means integer:

console.log(19 / 3 | 0); / / 6

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Principle: JS double-precision floating-point number is used to store number type, and | is binary, or will be a number to an integer, then bit operations, so that can be used to take the whole

Supplement: (1) about or operation | concrete calculation process, see: the front small knowledge (2020.3.20) of 10 “the | 2, JS is what mean?”

(2) The nonbitwise operator ~ turns a number negative and subtracts by one

~12  / / - 13

~9 -  / / 8

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3. Parameter meanings of array.reduce ()
[].reduce(function(all, item, index.array){

  return all + item;


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① all indicates the sum of the elements before item ② item indicates the current element (note: index=1) ③ index indicates the current position (note: 1) ④ Array indicates the current array

Reference: developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/…

4. Brief introduction of the principle of DOM to image


5, React. CreateRef and React. UseRef

Each time the App renders, createRef will return a new reference, and useRef will return the same reference

6. How to render canvas directly in React?

Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: [object HTMLCanvasElement]). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.

Rendering canvas directly in React will cause an error:

  import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';

  const [canvasOne, setCanvasOne] = useState(undefined);








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  import html2canvas from 'html2canvas';

  const [canvasOne, setCanvasOne] = useState(undefined);





<img src={canvasOne} />

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7. Use native JS to drag and drop small div demo

Please look at: www.jq22.com/webqd1348

8. Name the while loop to distinguish it from the inner while loop
  let a=5

  while1:while(a>0) {

    a=a- 1


    while(a>=3) {


      // Skip this loop and continue to loop while1

      continue while1


    while(a<3) {


      // Skip this loop and continue to loop while1

      continue while1



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9. Set the page color to gray

Using CSS3 filters:




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Details please see: www.runoob.com/cssref/css3…

React implements two-way data binding

React doesn’t have the concept of two-way binding, but it’s easy to implement

View — >model, change state with onChange, change value with state, change value of input with onChange

import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';

export default function App({

  const [textValue, setTextValue] = useState(' ')

  return (




        onChange={(e)= >








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