Break the ice and conquer inertia

Everyone happy New Year, this is not to learn not to learn I do not learn the first article in the year of the Ox, the New Year, I wish you all the best, bull.

This article describes how to call your body of the god ox, so that you have a strong ox, strong gas swallow cattle.

The cause of

Yesterday, a sports specialty born brother (temporarily called T) invited to run 10 kilometers, he is also bold, should be invited.

At the beginning of the first kilometer, both of them had an even speed. At the second kilometer, I let T lead the race (to see the difference of endurance between bodies). T said wait a minute, his body pole was coming, and he would lead after the pole.

Body pole, a strange word. Baidu explained it this way.

The extreme point of running is abdominal pain, which is called “hair belly crane” in Hakka dialect.

Simply put, pole is a phenomenon in which the internal organs are inert and not active enough to feel uncomfortable. So, why warm up before exercise, that is, to improve the degree of excitement of the internal organs, to prevent the occurrence of not awake state

And then the T pole went over. I started to lead the race and ran the highest pace in the whole race in the second kilometer. The T after the pole made me shout “slow down, my brother can’t keep up”.

Knowing that there is such a thing as poles, I began to focus on my own poles. The pole was about six to seven kilometers away. However, it may be due to the comparison of long-distance running, because the time of the pole is very short and the body is not very uncomfortable.

Eventually, the two completed the first 10km of the Year of the Ox together.

Thinking the pole

Since the body has pole phenomena, does the mind also have pole phenomena? Could our brains be lazy of their own? In my opinion, yes. As an organ, the brain has its own inertia.

By analogy with the definition of body poles, here we try to define thinking poles: when people start to think, they will feel that they don’t want to learn because of the state of the whole body (mainly the brain). At this time, they feel distracted and want to do other simple things and give up thinking activities. This state is called thinking poles

We often get a brain rush after an exam. After playing games, I feel my brain is flexible. In my opinion, this is the state of the brain as an organ excited after crossing the pole.

There is an attempt to abstract and unify the poles of thought and poles in motion in a more universal way. Because the extreme of thinking is their own invention of the word, through the network search did not have this word, so the following remarks you see when look, I will start to casually nonsense.

One common way to get into the study zone is to force yourself to start doing something about your study, even if you don’t want to. Slowly began to enter the state of learning. It acts as a warm-up before crossing the pole, to break the inertia of the brain.

An understanding of the front of the bull is to beat the king of the way to eliminate the brain inertia. For details, please refer to this article: @Huaguanshan Sage

Fight against mental inertia, and after the extreme point of thinking, our brain begins to formally serve our mental activities. It does not sleep in or think about doing other things, but gives its attention to the mental activities.

In fact, the pole of thinking is the same as the pole of movement. When the body wants to change its state, the organ becomes inert and does not fully wake up. At this time we have to warm up first, the warm up here is the best itself with a stimulating organ of the role of entertainment, such as while listening to the song began to learn, or like the great saint teacher to play a king, activate their brain. Be no good really just use force, force oneself to learn for a period of time for instance.

The poles of the mind, like the poles of the body, vary from person to person. Some people naturally do not need to warm up immediately start running will not appear abdominal pain phenomenon, so some people naturally as long as thinking activities, can immediately carry out thinking activities, will not appear psychological resistance.

However, like the poles of the body, we can also carry out more thinking activities, reduce the early appearance of the poles of thinking or even reach no appearance, reduce the intensity of psychological resistance, and open the second thinking.

Said a little more abstract, in the body in an attempt to enter a state, the need to mobilize the body’s organs to complete some things, there will be a inert organs, such as the body tired or don’t want to do on the thinking, at this time we want to use some methods, to let the body organs start, slowly warm up wake up, then do things more easily.