The first time I got into programming was when I attended NOIP in high school and learned Pascal. But different from the legendary experience of all the young talents, I did not do anything for a long time, just won a small prize in the city, and did not even enter the semi-finals.

This experience has not had much positive or even negative effect on my life. I was a favorite of the competition teacher, who used to give me and another chubby-looking student time off. We were jerking off while the rest of the class was learning what a function was, and the teacher even took us to coding camp for a week at her own expense. But I have to say that his teaching strategy actually has some problems. NOIP does not write code on the computer in the preliminary round, but only does the paper, and then does the questions on the computer in the second round. All of us had been writing code on our computers, and we all died in the preliminary round — which wasn’t that surprising, since no one in our city had passed the preliminary round in years. I was a little frustrated, but that wasn’t the most frustrating. Our competition teacher seemed to have a bit of a privilege. He had a place in the second round, and he gave it to the fat student. That guy, he did really badly in the rematch. Now THAT I think about it, I could not have failed with more dignity than he did, but it was the time of the year when I was young, and though I said nothing, I still felt that I had been treated unfairly. In fact, the world has never been fair, people always feel granted when they enjoy special treatment, but in others a little over the line when feeling that the world is unfair. Actually why, everybody is dish chicken, who top all but is a disgrace.

Since then, my interest in programming has been reduced by half. In addition, the competition teachers have been instilling in us such cult ideas as “you should not choose the computer department when you are learning from me now” and “programming is a bowl of youth, and you can’t reach the age of 30”, so I didn’t consider computer at all when I applied for my application. I got more than 60 points in the high point test. I wanted to go to Dalian University of Technology to drink draft beer on the beach, or to study automotive engineering in Jilin University. However, my parents preferred me to study electrical engineering in Huadian, so as to waste my time in the electric power bureau in the future. As a result, I did get into Huadian by accident and was transferred to the mathematics department. It was a tragedy. I didn’t like math since grade two, so I started wasting my time.

At the end of my junior year, I was arranged by a distant relative to have an internship in a company full of relatives. I found that I knew nothing and did nothing with money. I became a worm in the society, which was very embarrassing. Alas, the anxiety of entering the society is really inspiring ah, I began to study very seriously… Java. Because my colleague said Java was very bad, and recommended a series of video tutorials of Horse Soldier to me. I realized that writing code was more to my liking, so I might as well get into it and become a coder. At this time ali began the school recruitment, I hold the psychology of trying to cast a resume, the results of the written test after the ruthless brush. I found that luck really is useless, or learn to learn, so from the library to borrow a pile of books, their own also bought some books, began to study for employment.

In fact, programming this thing, the threshold is really not high. I prepared to do this line in my senior year. I learned Java by myself for several months and found a job in C#. Later, I wrote App with JS, Swift and OC, almost all of which were directly mastered by hand. Now the front end of the fire, everyone drill there, that next year’s front end will be this year’s iOS, who knows. After market saturation, the Internet industry also began to close to the traditional industry, become the need to endure seniority to reflect the value. Everyone is saying that iOS doesn’t need junior developers, just senior engineers. How do you define junior and senior? Most companies simply look at years of work. It’s kind of boring, and it makes you realize that programming isn’t really a romantic activity, it’s just a job, and anyone can do it, depending on who stays in the game longer.

I used to love programming so much that I felt sick every day without reading (laughs). But like all other addictions (novels, writing, basketball, Poppin, anime, games, etc.), the momentum slowly returns to reason. The good news is that programming isn’t just a hobby, it’s a matter of life, and you can’t just throw it away like other things. And in doing so some new pleasures will be found. I still want to get better, write better code, and make more money with it. The difference is that now I can go days without feeling guilty, and I no longer set hard goals for myself. It doesn’t hurt to be a little more comfortable.

“Make sure you really like programming before you become a programmer, otherwise it will be boring and painful”, there was a great uproar. Today, I defy the world to tell you that those of you who are hovering at the door and are afraid to go forward by these remarks… They’re telling the truth. I, who used to love programming, often find it boring and painful, and now the industry is so deep that it’s not easy to take a hole. I don’t see anything wrong with pursuing a legitimate career for money. All those people who shout “it’s low to be a programmer for money, it’s noble to be a programmer for interest” are mostly motivated by money themselves, so they are afraid that more people will come in and take their jobs. But these days, just being a programmer for the money isn’t going to make you any money. Think rationally and plan your life well.

I hope everyone can engage in what they are really interested in, gain a little happiness when they have enough food and clothing, and make a small contribution to the society.