Ali Java related questions, are the previous through the continuous outstanding talent summary, I hope to help you, I wish a successful interview, have a better career planning.

1, how to achieve wechat red envelope.

2. Mass data analysis.

3. Test job questions for thread safety and non-thread safety.

4, HTTP2.0, Thrift.

5, interview telephone communication may be the first to introduce yourself.

6. Distributed transaction consistency.

7. The underlying implementation of NIO.

8, THE JVM foundation is required to ask, JVM GC principle, JVM how to reclaim memory.

9. What is Java?

10. The difference between AN API interface and an SDI interface (AN API is an interface provided to others).

11. How Dubbo makes multiple calls to a single link. Dubbo principle, serialization related issues.

12. What middleware have you used?

13. Have you ever done a workflow engine?

14, the previous work experience, oneself feel outstanding place (Dingding)

15. Some principles of thread pool, upgrade and downgrade of lock mechanism (Tmall, Ant)

16, from the system level, distributed from which latitude to consider (Tmall)

17. How to implement Hadoop bottom layer (Tmall)

18, threadLocal, thread pool, a hashMap/hashTable/coccurentHashMap (Tmall)

19. Design of seckill System (Tmall)

Virtual machine, IO related knowledge (Tmall)

21, Linux command (Tmall)

22, an integer array, given a number, find the sum of two numbers in the array is equal to this number, and print it out, I write the time complexity is high, requiring O(n). (Tmall)

23, n integers, find the continuous sum of m numbers is the largest. (Tmall)

24. Pay more attention to open source technology (Ant Financial Shanghai)

25. Principle of database locking (Ant Financial network provider)

26, 1000 threads running at the same time, how to prevent the jam (air travel)

27. Concurrent consumption problem (air travel)

28, how to deal with hot spots, data, etc. (Ant Financial)

29. How do I get a port available on a local server

30. Problems related to flow control (Ant Financial)

31. What is the TPS of the database and whether it has been tested (Tmall)

32. What are the solutions to cache breakdown (Tmall)

33, Java how to dig collector related principles (fortune)

34, What are the collections of Java, what are the characteristics (information platform)

Distributed locking, Redis Cache, Spring AOP, System Architecture Diagram, MySQL features (Information Platform)

36, scene, at the same time to 100,000 people pay wages, how to design the concurrent scheme, can ensure that all sent in 1 minute for example, will put forward a similar scene (information platform)

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Ali HR interview core questions:

Why did you leave your last job?

2. How do you view your career? (including the distribution of work and family, how to balance the relationship between family and work, overtime, considerations when choosing a company, location, etc.)

3, salary expectations (do not directly say the number, must not show how much money or what level I do not go, this is a taste problem rather than ability problem)

Some questions candidates have been asked:

1. What was the biggest challenge during the project? How did it work out?

2. What is the most fulfilling thing?

3. Why did you choose Ali?

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses in your character?

5. What do you think are the weaknesses/strengths of your job?

What do you think of overtime (can you accept 996, 997, 007)? I think we have to work hard to realize our dreams, so I am prepared and willing to fight with my friends. I can work overtime, and my overtime intensity is quite high now. Because I love it and I want to do it well.

7. Can YOU accept a salary cut? If the candidate’s tonality matches (officially enough), you can say something like: I also understand the ant gold currently salary structure, I believe that the company will give a reasonable salary according to my abilities, I believe that as long as you get things done, it will be some for ants, such departments, “we are creating history, we’re doing a no one has ever done, so it must be difficult, It’s going to take a lot of hard work, “interviewers will love that. Alibaba Java interview questions collection


1, answer the question: feel the answer out of the other party will not like, you can do so: relevant answer questions, pay attention to emphasize their own ideas, to let the interviewer can empathy, such as shenzhen housing price can attract empathy, e-commerce related platform, stable, there is room for rise, etc.

2. The status of the interview is very important: For two examples, a candidate who was successfully offered last month had a non-Internet background and the company was not a front-line employee. However, he showed a strong interest in Ali during the interview, and the HR mentioned to us afterwards that he was very impressed by this candidate. Another candidate who just died today won both rounds of technology at one stroke, and finally the HR failed. HR gave us feedback that the candidate just quit his startup company and seemed to be depressed and have no idea about himself. To sum up, the interview should not be too submissive, passive, nor exaggerated, but to show your respect and fight for a good opportunity, let the interviewer feel that you are interested in them and the position.

Matters needing attention:

1. Ali values feelings and dreams more than most companies

Ali’s mantra: Optimistic, smart, honest, introspective

2. The HR staff in Ali all know business and will select candidates based on their judgment and business control. Don’t fool them…….

Believe in yourself, there is nothing impossible, only unexpected