Jenkins Reverse proxy errorThe solution of

Jenkins, Jenkins is an open source continuous integration (CI) tool that provides a user-friendly interface. Originated in Hudson (Hudson is commercial), Jenkins is mainly used for continuous, automated building/testing of software projects and monitoring the execution of external tasks. Jenkins is written in the Java language and can run in popular servlet containers such as Tomcat or on its own. It is often used in combination with version management tools (SCM) and build tools. Common version control tools include SVN and GIT, and build tools include Maven, Ant, and Gradle. Anyway is very easy to use on the end of the matter, so weekend at home in their own server deployed a play.

After deployment, I went to the management platform and found that the reverse proxy had been incorrectly reported. Then I wondered if Jenkins system management –> The Jenkins URL in system Settings was not written correctly. Click on the URL to see the address is http://ip:8080, and then it suddenly occurred to me that I had done domain name resolution in my server area and had done nginx proxy. Then I changed the address in Jenkins URL to http:// domain name :8080, and I solved the problem perfectly.