Source: Ostrich Blockchain

First of all, I would like to thank Ostrich Blockchain for inviting Solensson, a core member of DMCH community, to our volunteer community.

Solensson, DMCH is committed to opening up the path of anonymous public chain innovation, building a distributed privacy community ecosystem, and establishing a decentralized private Internet!

The live broadcast was conducted in English, while the staff translated it into Chinese. I will omit the English part below.

First question:

The developer of the DMCH project is one of the important factors for the success of the project. It is reported that the developer of the DMCH project is the contemporary of Satoshi Nakamoto. Please tell us briefly and quickly about the DMCH project and the developer

Solensson answer:

Nowadays, the society urgently needs privacy protection measures guaranteed by technology that does not depend on people’s will. Protecting personal privacy is the most basic human right. The DMCH Public Chain project aims to be a Monero based privacy, high performance, scalable blockchain decentralized financial solution. DMCH adopts Block DAG Block structure and gathers private address, private smart contract, DeFi and DEX in The privacy framework of Monero. It introduces decentralized distributed PPoS that are not restricted by nodes and aims to achieve high-speed private global SDWAN by expanding PPoS nodes. Build a decentralized and distributed privacy community ecosystem. DMCH not only inherits Monero as a cryptocurrency, but goes further to become a decentralized private Internet that protects individual privacy.

DMCH is an anonymous team, with members scattered all over the world. Most of them are old friends who are familiar with technology. We have known each other for a long time on the Internet. We choose to remain anonymous because the nature of the blockchain industry is financial, so we do not want to be influenced by the outside world in the process of project progress and concentrate on the DMCH project vision.

Second question:

Many friends in the coin circle hope to remain anonymous. How does the development team maintain full anonymity? Can you give us a brief introduction?

Solensson answer:

Anonymity requires the sacrifice of convenience and the need to do more ourselves, such as using translation software to translate a passage between different languages to avoid intentional analysis. But actually we don’t want to be anonymous, as we said before when we were working on the DMCH project, we didn’t want any outside interference.

In fact, many members of our project have participated in many projects, or are the main development of some projects. If they disclose their identities, it will easily cause unnecessary disturbances and affect the progress of the project. A good product addresses the needs of most people, not the people who develop it. We like the fact that DMCH’s products can make a great contribution to privacy protection.

Third question:

It has been a year since the DMCH main network was launched. 2020 has been a turbulent year, with many blockchain projects aborted in various black swan and gray rhino incidents. How did the DMCH team persist in this year

Solensson answer:

The DMCH project was actually planned for nearly three years before it was launched. There were a lot of projects on the market that focused on anonymous technology, but we grew impatient with their pace of development, so we launched the DMCH project.

Due to the careful discussion before the project was launched, the whole process of the project was carried out according to the plan, and we did not feel any difference in 2020. Novel Coronavirus did, however, affect our progress, but we quickly addressed the negative impact of Novel Coronavirus through a human resource restructuring.

Most of the community users know that DMCH was started after the launch of our main website. We have reviewed our work in the year 2020 in our annual report. Interested members can go to review the annual report, which can be found on CMC, Medium, Delta, Blockfolio (which should be launched soon) and other platforms.

Fourth question:

DMCH is based on the fork of The Monroe project, which has made great innovation on the basis of inheriting the former in security, scalability, transaction throughput and other aspects. Can you tell us the design logic of DMCH?

Solensson answer:

In fact, understanding and familiar with the technology, the technology itself is not complicated, the current industry NaGong chain project the system as a whole has been relatively mature, the system run continuously and growing business needs prompt chain technology constantly iteration, the iteration will because technology of subversion (such as quantum computation, such as hardware breakthrough) rapid changes.

However, technology updates will not change the architecture of blockchain technology, but constantly optimize the core modules under the architecture, so the deployment of privacy, high performance, scalable blockchain decentralized financial solutions under the framework of the blockchain architecture has a stable architecture. DMCH public chain project, as the basic public chain of decentralized anonymous system solution, will continue to integrate the advantages of projects in the industry, integrate the latest technology in the industry, and complete optimization work on this basis, to ensure the stability, advancement and practicality of the public chain.

From a financial perspective, DMCH continues the logic of BTC. Satoshi Nakamoto published bitcoin version 0.1 on p2PFoundation, and described that: In terms of money supply, Bitcoin is more like a typical precious metal. Supply is predetermined and the value varies, rather than changing the supply to keep the value constant. As users grow, so does the value of each bitcoin.

It has the potential to enter a positive feedback loop; As the number of users increases, the value of bitcoin rises, which attracts more users to take advantage of the added value. DMCH and BTC are identical in this respect.

Fifth question:

DMCH vision is to hope everyone can protect their privacy, get the real freedom, therefore, DMCH incorporates many unique technology, such as integrated libp2p framework and the KCP technology, both the function of each have each, together can solve the problem of what, how help DMCH achieve privacy protection, at the same time protect the stability of the chain?

Solensson answer:

First of all, we want to make it clear that Rome was not built in a year, and the DMCH did not appear out of thin air. It was a project that built on the achievements of the entire blockchain technology over the last decade.

DMCH is a fork of Monroe and therefore follows Monroe’s technical embodiment. Libp2p and KCP you mentioned are not our innovation. Libp2p is the product of Byte Lab, and its structure is more suitable for P2P network. In fact, it is not that the current P2P protocol is not good, but that the use of libP2P technology framework will make DMCH more flexible in P2P layer and have better subsequent development ability. The main purpose of the KCP protocol is to provide better and more stable network transport and penetration capabilities in our deployment of SDWAN products.

DMCH hopes to provide the community with a private, high-performance, scalable blockchain decentralized financial solution. Like the path of many successful projects, this must be a process of continuous optimization and even innovation under existing conditions.

Integration is critical in your question, in fact, a large part of the success of a project the key is to see how the technology together, we know that the coupling between the technology and technology is relatively difficult, only really understand the technology, and has rich technical background can integrate different technologies together to run smoothly.

This capability is one of the core competencies of our DMCH team, and over the past year, I think we have proven this core competency.

Sixth question:

Smart contract is an extremely important part of DeFi public chain project. Does the Monroe Anonymous Smart contract project represent DMCH with its own uniqueness? What are the characteristics of DMCH privacy smart contract and the technology used?

Solensson answer:

This problem has been explained clearly in the white paper. It is a systemic problem, so it is difficult to explain it clearly in a few sentences. In brief, DMCH smart contracts are divided into the following sections:

1. Anonymous main coin DMCH;

2. Anonymous native TOKEN;

3. Transparent DRC20 TOKEN and transparent smart contract;

4. FHE protects anonymous contracts

The majority of smart contracts require features that fall within the first three, and we’ve done all the development and testing. The fourth FHE technique is to complete the exchange of information without disclosing any data, which makes great sense between highly confidential business groups.

Although the technology is great and we have integrated IBM-based FHE research work in our test network and completed some tests successfully, the FHE performance is not very good and we are still observing and evaluating to find a better solution.

I’m not sure what smart contract technology you’re talking about, but we’re EVM compatible with Ethereum and support for WASM virtual machines. DMCH is the first public chain in the world to support dual virtual machines, although it’s not intentional.

Seventh question:

DeFi Hot 2020, DARMA has also built DeFi ecology based on DMCH. Uniswap and Sushiswap are the sources of DMSwap’s design concept. What is the innovation of DMSwap compared to the former two? What rights and interests can users obtain by holding token DMS? Can you introduce them in detail?

Solensson answer:

The end users of the DMCH project are not the majority of our community, but the large business community, and DEX is very important from a financial system perspective. In fact, the Swap type DEX is not the desired model of DMCH DEX, and we prefer the order-type DEX like Roadprint.

Back to Swap, as our target customers, the main commercial teams, participated in this round of DeFi led by Uniswap. However, our DEX still needs some time to develop, so we decide to launch the project DMSwap. Although we prefer technology, we also know the importance of market for a project. AMM DEX does not affect the business logic for verifying DMCH DEX, which mainly includes the following points:

1. Uniswap, Sushi, Bancor solved the transaction scenario, mainly from the user’s perspective. DMSwap was solved from a development perspective and a project perspective. The first few months of the DeFi mining game had a short life span and became a money-making game.

The design mechanism of DMSwap solves this problem, we create a new project release mode in DMSwap, which will solve the problems of traditional PoW energy consumption, PoS air is air, DeFi mining life is short. We regard LP TOEKN of traditional liquidity mining as a mining machine, which has a life cycle. The mechanism of destroying LP TOEKN at regular time is introduced, and the consideration coins corresponding to these tokens will be used to buy back local currency and part of DMS. After the DEVELOPMENT of DMCH side chain SDK, These tokens can use the SDK to develop a separate public chain attached to the DMCH’s vast ecosystem.

Ii. Compared with Uniswap and SushiSwap, DMSwap has made the following innovations:

Implement the user incentive plan (recommendation relationship), taking GAS cost into consideration;

Create trading bonus commissions;

Transaction pairs have flexibility to define fees;

A third-party address may be designated during the exchange process;

Participation in the transaction will earn DMS (DMS is the flat Taiwan dollar of DMSwap);

20% transaction fee for repo DMS;

To realize the project incentive plan, A double token incentive mechanism is designed, which means that if A does LP for B on DMSwap, A can not only get DMS, but also get the incentive token of B project itself.

Eighth question:

A lot of content was introduced. At the end of the live broadcast, please tell us what the recent planning of DMCH is. What other innovations will be made?

Solensson answer:

We announced plans for Artemis in a recent update. DMCH is an anonymous public chain, and anonymity (encryption) makes transactions bulky. In our opinion, there is little possibility to improve performance at L1 layer. DMCH’s solution is L2 layer structure. In short, each TOKEN contract of DMCH can customize its own side chain, which adopts PoS consensus design of VRF and perfectly inherits all features of DMCH.

Because the side chain and the main chain adopt the same smart contract virtual machine, the side chain of DMCH and the main chain of DMCH can achieve perfect cross-chain through POA Bridge (of course, we have also achieved cross-chain between DMCH and ETH, DMCH and BTC). Resource-consuming businesses are all run on the side chain of the second layer. All side chains can be traded in DMCH SWAP and we will provide SDK development tools for creating side chains with one click in the future.

In short, DMSwap solves early side chain distribution and trading, SDK solves main chain development, and project teams can spend more time on their own specific business logic processing and marketing, which will have more imagination.

Question number nine:

So can you share with us the specific development route of DMSwap? Everyone is looking forward to it.

Solensson answer:

The DMSwap program is as follows:

2020: December 15 – December 20: Basic version is available.

2020:12.20-12.30: Online one-click mining.

2021:01.15-01.25: Smart/Strategic/Machine gun pool on line.

2021:04.15-04.25: DMSwap margin and online loans come online.