Author: Divine
How to find a high score Demo on Github
How to find our favorite code warehouse on the Internet?
The answer, of course, is to go to Github to find the repository of code we want, so how do we quickly find the high quality code we want?
Let’s take a look at some of github’s most popular search tips.
In series, specifically search for warehouse title, warehouse description, README
GitHub provides a convenient way to search by limiting your search to just the title of your repository, or the description, README, etc.
Take learn, for example, a warehouse, something like this
The red arrows indicate the name and description of the warehouse. We can directly limit the keyword to a specific place.
In Typescript, for example, a repository might look something like this
Keyword: in the name
In :name typescript search repositories for projects whose names contain typescript
In: descripton keywords
In: Descripton typescript VUE2 searches for projects whose descriptions of the repository contain typescript
Keyword: in the readme
in:readme typescript vue2
Star, fork series
Stars: > Numeric keyword
The number of stars in a project generally indicates the popularity of the project.
For example, if you want to find a typescript repository with more than 3000 stars, you can do this
Stars :>3000 typescript searches for projects with stars greater than 3000
Fork :> Numeric keyword
Fork :>3000 typescript searches for projects with fork numbers greater than 3000
stars: 10.. 20 keywords
For the fork number, replace stars with fork. The other syntax is the same
stars:30.. 3000 typescriptSearch for stars from 30-3000 typescript projects
Pushed to make sure whether the warehouse is still being updated and maintained
Pushed :>2020-08-01 user:sxyengene language
License Specifies the license for searching the warehouse
License: apache 2.0 spring cloud
Language Specifies the language in which the repository is searched
To find typescript libraries, for example, you can filter them in your search, in addition to clicking and selecting on the left as shown above. Like this:
Language: the typescript keywords
The user specifically searches for a person or organization’s repository
For example, if you want to find out if a new feature has been submitted on GitHub, you can specify the name and search. For example, if Josh Long has submitted the new Spring Cloud code, you can use this method
Or organization:
.org :spring-cloud lists the repositories for specific orgs
Topic Search topic
Matters needing attention
(1). No space on either side of the colon;
(2). Case insensitive;
(3). The following wildcard characters cannot be used as part of a search query and will be ignored by the search:., :; / \ ‘” = *! ? # $& + ^ | ~ < > () {} [] `
(4). Search for the master branch by default.