Install nginx

Install nginx

yum install nginx
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Start the nginx service

systemctl start nginx   # start
systemctl restart nginx # to restart
systemctl stop nginx    # stop
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Install MySQL

rpm -Uvh
yum -y install mysql-community-server
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After installation, start MySQL

service mysqld start
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  mysqld.service
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Check the MySQL status

service mysqld status
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Setting boot

systemctl enable mysqld
systemctl daemon-reload
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After MySQL is installed, a default password is generated. You can perform the following operations to view the default password

grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
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Changing the Root Password

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewPassWord! ';
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If an error message is displayed, the password does not comply with the MySQL password policy

1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements
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The default password policy of MySQL requires that the password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and special characters, and be at least eight characters in length. You can use the MSYQL environment variable to view information about password policies

mysql> show variables like '%password%'; +---------------------------------------+--------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------------+--------+ | default_password_lifetime | 0 | | disconnect_on_expired_password | ON | | log_builtin_as_identified_by_password | OFF | | mysql_native_password_proxy_users | OFF | | old_passwords | 0 | |  report_password | | | sha256_password_proxy_users | OFF | | validate_password_check_user_name | OFF | | validate_password_dictionary_file | | | validate_password_length | 8 | | validate_password_mixed_case_count | 1 | | validate_password_number_count | 1 | | validate_password_policy | MEDIUM | | validate_password_special_char_count | 1 | +---------------------------------------+--------+ 14 rowsin set (0.00 sec)
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To change the password policy, add the validate_password_policy configuration to the /etc/my.cnf file:

# select one of 0 (LOW), 1 (MEDIUM), 2 (STRONG), select 2 requires a password dictionary file
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Set the default encoding to UTf8 and add the following configuration in /etc/my.cnf

init_connect='SET NAMES utf8'
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Restart the MySQL

systemctl restart mysqld
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MySQL by default only allows user root to log in locally. If you want to connect to MySQL from another machine, you must change the root permission or add a remote user. For security purposes, add a new user

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Mysql > select host, user from mysql.user where username = jack and password = @jack2018

mysql> select host,user from mysql.user; +-----------+---------------+ | host | user | +-----------+---------------+ | % | jack | | localhost | mysql.session | |  localhost | mysql.sys | | localhost | root | +-----------+---------------+ 4 rowsin set (0.00 sec)
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3. Install PHP

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
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Execute the command to install PHP

yum install php70w.x86_64 php70w-cli.x86_64 php70w-common.x86_64 php70w-gd.x86_64 php70w-ldap.x86_64 php70w-mbstring.x86_64 php70w-mcrypt.x86_64 php70w-mysql.x86_64 php70w-pdo.x86_64
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Installing PHP – FPM

yum install php70w-fpm php70w-opcache
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Start the PHP – FPM

systemctl start php-fpm
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To configure the nginx configuration file to support PHP, go to the nginx.conf file in the nginx installation directory and add the following configuration

# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on ~ \.php${fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME$document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
   include        fastcgi_params;
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Create a file under /usr/share/nginx/html

vi /usr/share/nginx/html/info.php <? php phpinfo(); ? >Copy the code

Open the browser and access http://public IP address. If the following page is displayed, the configuration is successful