Today is the weekend, let me tell you a story:

Xiao Guang and Xiao Dong go to a restaurant to have a meal and order a fat sausage.

Light thought to tease the east, he pointed to the plate of fat sausage said: “East, you say this fat sausage how dirty ah, originally is loaded shi, but we are willing to make it into food, this is why?”

Xiao Dong thought for a moment and said, “Because it is delicious and valuable. It’s so delicious that people are willing to go to great lengths to clean it and make delicious food. But if it’s a worthless thing, like this bowl, if it has shi in it, people just throw it away.”

Small light listen with relish: “seem quite reasonable.”

Xiao Dong continued: “The same is true for people. As long as you have unique value, even if you have some shortcomings, people will overlook them to accept you and appreciate you. But if you’re worthless, you’d better hope not to make a mistake.”

Small light listen to the two eyes light, can not help but way: “east east analysis of really great!”


At work, we all have some shortcomings.

Such as:

  • Some people don’t like to communicate with others
  • Some people are often late
  • Someone who is familiar with the business but has no desire for technology

Just like that plate of fat sausage, we will inevitably have shortcomings, but must have their own unique strengths and values, these values should be enough to make others willing to accept your shortcomings, willing to help you improve. If you don’t add much value to the team, it can be dangerous to make mistakes.

For example, some students have a deep understanding of a certain technology, some students are very familiar with a certain business, some students have strong cross-team communication skills and so on. These can be unique advantages.

Take myself as an example, I was late for work frequently due to poor work and rest in a certain period of time, but the leader did not criticize me excessively and did not affect my performance evaluation. It’s because I do contribute something to the team, which is of unique value.


We all know the barrel effect, where the amount of water a barrel can hold depends on the shortest piece of wood, so we work hard to make up for that. But that doesn’t really apply at work.

Our energy and time are limited, and if we spend that energy on fixing our weaknesses, we may be doomed to mediocrity.

We’re going to focus on continuing to lengthen the longboards, and then working as a team, filling in the other boards to make a whole barrel that can hold more water. This is called “longboard thinking.”

Longboard thinking makes it easier for us to stand out and gain an edge in the competition.

When looking for a job, if you are outstanding in some aspects, it doesn’t matter if some skills are not very strong, because it can be solved through division of labor, but if you are good in all aspects, but all are average, chances are high that you will become an alternative.

For example, I do less front-end business development, more toolchains and front-end compilation, which is my strong point, so I’ve written a little book called Babel Plugin Secrets and I’m going to continue to dig into it. I’ve thought about taking the time to delve into front-end frameworks and other technologies, but that’s a lot of work and it’s not necessarily better than what some big guys (like Karzon) can do, so I’ll stick with the longboard for now.


I have just told you the story of fatty intestines and the long board thinking, but I want to make one thing clear:

It is normal to have shortcomings. Instead of spending great efforts to change, it is better to put energy into playing their own advantages and creating their own long board, so that they can become excellent.

In fact, I have many shortcomings, sometimes impulse, like I this hasty naked resignation, sometimes will be late, I’m lazy, but I also have some advantages, like thinking, like writing articles, research techniques, I will concentrate on my advantages into full play, write more articles, small volume, continue to dig technology. My weakness may always exist, and I will accept it as a result. I will not do unnecessary internal friction, such as blaming myself, because this is who I am, and it is not normal to be unemotional and impulsive from time to time. Writing this article is actually a process of reconciliation between me and myself.

Let’s continue the story of Xiao Dong and Xiao Guang:

Xiao Guang was not confident, but Xiao Dong had told him, “Someone will find the good in you.” Xiao Guang kept this in mind. And now he wants to give you the same.

Everyone has their own shortcomings, don’t blame yourself too much, to play their own advantages on the line. There are people who are willing to overlook your flaws and see the best in you.