Install the evermonkey plug-in in VsCode

  1. Find the evermonkey plug-in in VsCode and install it

  2. Command + shift + p, enter ever token. If “Open Developer Page to get API Token” is displayed, select it.

  3. Will let you choose China and international two choices, choose China. An interface from the default browser opens.

  4. Create your own token, then go back to VsCode and open the Settings to find the Settings as shown below, and fill in the generated content.

  1. This is generally fine, but it’s prudent to restart Vscode.

The use of plug-in

Command + shift + p and enter ever new to create a file in the following format:


Copy the code

This is the file header, the note identifier given to Evernote: title, tag, notepad. The rest is your Markdown notes.

Once you’re done, command + Shift + P and type ever publish to evernote.

The list of commands

There are others that have not been introduced above, here are some of them.

Use New Note — Ever New to open the command panel (F1 or CTRL + Shift + P) and type Ever New to create a blank note. At the top of the document is the metadata of the note, including the title of the note, the label, the notebook to which it belongs, etc. (hierarchy is not supported). When entering the notebook and label, if it already exists, it will be prompted to complete the code, otherwise it will be created in Evernote. Labels must be separated by semicolon commas.

To open the command panel, type ever Open to open evernote in a tree structure. When turned on, the note’s content is converted to Markdown format by default. If there are unsupported media formats, the conversion may affect the note’s content. Therefore, it is recommended to use little Ape to complete the text editing operation.

Search notes — ever Search Open the command panel, enter ever search will bring up the input box, according to the entered search criteria return notes. The return form is notebook>> Note, and the search uses evernote’s official search language, such as Tag: Java. For more information, see the official Evernote Search Grammar

After you edit or update your notes, you can use the ever publish command to publish them to the Evernote server for synchronization. Small ape will determine whether to create or update notes according to the cache information, so you do not need to consider whether to update or create notes in this part of the use, just remember that when you want to synchronize the current notes to the Evernote server, you can use Ever Publish.


My usual process is to use VsCode + markdown to write content, and then use the evermonkey plugin to synchronize content to evernote.

One of the problems with this is that previous articles synchronized from VsCode are read only and cannot be overwritten on evernote. However, there is an advantage to this. We are sure to save the original markdown files locally and do not rely on evernote’s network storage. This is the biggest guarantee for data security.

