In the last article we talked about how to use the video plugin Vue-vedio-player so of course we have the audio plugin as well
We chose vue-aPlayer
- Again, let’s install the plugin first
npm install vue-aplayer -s
- We need to import and reference it in main.js
import vueAplayer from 'vue-aplayer'
Vue.use(vueAplayer)Copy the code
- So how do we use it?
- First we need to import it in the vue file we use
import aplayer from 'vue-aplayer'
export default {
components: {
}Copy the code
- Our HTML section
<div style="width: 60%">
<aplayer :music=""></aplayer>
</template>Copy the code
- Js part
export default {
data() {
return {
videoUpload: {
progress: false,
progressPercent: 0,
successPercent: 0,
music: {
title: ' ',
author: ' ',
url: ' ',
lrc: '[00:00. 00] LRC England here \ n [00:01onsaturday (UK time). 00] aplayer'
</script>Copy the code
- And finally, let’s look at the effect