Boost Note Mac Chinese is an open source notepad application developed for programmers. Most notebook applications are not generally programmer specific, so Boostnote is a niche application at this point. For quick notes and code snippets, you can organize them in a better way. There is no automatic synchronization, but notes can be exchanged between devices by creating files in Dropbox files. Boostnote isn’t an app for everyone, but it’s a laptop app that’s easy for programmers to use.

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Note-taking application for programmers, focusing on markdowns, code segments and customizability. Edit your code and wiki from anywhere.

Boostnote for Mac is specifically designed for programmersNote the softwareIn addition to daily note-taking, the most useful thing is to help you keep track of countless Code resources. You can even create multiple tabs within a single note to form a single Code project. The software supports collection, label, grouping, search, column switch and other note-taking applications should have functions. Boostnote for Mac is developed using the latest technologies such as Electron, React + Redux, Webpack, CSSModules and supports niche syntax formats such as Latex. Users can choose between Markdown mode, which automatically supports MD syntax and Latex format, and Snippet mode, which provides a variety of code writing environments.