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Java 12 doesn’t have a lot of features that are useful to developers, but there is some practicality.

String enhancement

Java 12 further enhances string manipulation by adding two methods.

Indent string

String indent(int n) indents the String based on the argument n. The specific rules are

  • whenn>0Is inserted at the beginning of each line of the stringnThe string moves to the right as a whole.
  • whenn<0Is deleted at the beginning of each line of the stringnSpaces, if the actual number of Spaces is less thann, removes all Spaces in the line, but does not wrap.

Here’s an experiment:

         String text = " Hello \n Java12";
         System.out.println("Indent forward");
         System.out.println("Right indent two characters.");
         String indent2 = text.indent(2);
         System.out.println("Indent three characters to the left, but there's only one space.");
         String indent3 = text.indent(-3);
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The corresponding result is:

String conversion

String adds a transform method to functionalize String operations.

 <R> R transform(Function<? super String, ? extends R> f)
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The goal is to enforce functional manipulation of strings. Here’s an example:

         String txt = "hello ";
         // hello hello
         String s = txt.transform(str -> str.repeat(2));
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Functional programming is enhanced with every release of Java.

Content-based file matching

Java 12 added a new static method files.mismatch (Path,Path) in the Files utility class, which looks for differences between two file contents (byte) and returns the location of the first mismatched byte in the two file contents, or -1L if there is no mismatch.

         // File comparison
         Path p1 = Files.createTempFile("file1"."txt");
         Path p2 = Files.createTempFile("file2"."txt");
         Files.writeString(p1, "");
         Files.writeString(p2, "");
         // -1l Both have the same content
         long mismatch = Files.mismatch(p1, p2);
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This method is somewhat similar to the other files.issamefile (Path, Path) method, but there are differences.


The Stream aggregation operation Collector is further enhanced with the addition of the Teeing operation for some complex aggregation operations. For example, if I want to count the average of an array in proportion to the sum, I first calculate the average, then calculate the sum, and then divide. This takes three steps.

 Double average = Stream.of( -> i));
 Double total = Stream.of( -> i));
 Double percentage = average / total;
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Using teeing can be done in one step:

 Double meanPercentage = Stream.of(
                 Collectors.averagingDouble(i -> i),
                 Collectors.summingDouble(i -> i),
                 (average, total) -> average / total));
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New number formatting

Java 12 introduced a new location-based compact digital format class, CompactNumberFormat, for abbreviating long numbers. Programmers generally prefer a salary range of 10K to 20K, while other industries prefer 10k to 20000.

         NumberFormat chnFormat = NumberFormat.getCompactNumberInstance(Locale.CHINA,
         / / 82320
         String cformat = chnFormat.format(82323);
         NumberFormat usFormat = NumberFormat.getCompactNumberInstance(Locale.US,
         / / 82.323 K
         String uformat = usFormat.format(82323);
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You can also customize CompactNumberFormat for personalized number formatting.


In addition to the above, Java12 also has some preview properties and JVM enhancements that I don’t think are very exciting.