This is the sixth episode of “Better Code”, sharing my biggest gain in the past period of time

The most important thing to learn about the front-end is to understand how the browser works. After all, the code we write is ultimately processed by the browser. Understanding the principles behind the browser can help us locate problems and find solutions more quickly. I saw some information about how the browser works when I checked Weibo this week. I have been looking for this information before, but have not found the right one. It’s so nice to see these two.

1. How are browsers work

This article is a long and comprehensive introduction to how browsers work. I saved it as a PDF for easy reading, or you can access it directly at this address (which is slower) :

As follows:

2. Life of a Pixel

Steve Kobes from the Chrome team explained how the “pixels” you see are displayed. There are videos with Chinese subtitles in station B, and the PPT corresponding to the videos is also very good, with 62 pages in total, which needs to be obtained by going over the wall, so I directly downloaded it.

If you have information about how the browser works, welcome to share with you in the comments area, help each other. Reply bro for the material recommended above. Have a great weekend, everyone.

Recommended reading:

What does the pipeline do from code to App launch (part 1)

How is code highlighting for various blogs implemented

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