This article is written by Yanglbme and first published on the public account “Doocs Open Source Community”. Please contact me at the background of the official account to open the white.

I don’t know if you’ve seen some projects on GitHub, but one of their project documents has been translated into multiple languages.

So, have you thought about how to manage the translation of documents? How can changes to one document be automatically tracked and updated in other languages? In addition, how can multiple people coordinate translation?

In this article, I introduce you to a free tool called GitLocalize that can help you solve all your problems! The website for GitLocalize is:, and you can log in via GitHub and authorize the application.

Let’s take a look at some of the features.

GitLocalize features

1. Synchronize with the GitHub repository

GitLocalize tracks changes in the GitHub repository and pulls them into projects. The translated files are synchronized to the repository via the Pull Request.

2. Analysis and segmentation

You can easily see what needs to be translated. GitLocalize parses your files into traceable text segments.

3. Team work

GitLocalize allows your team and community to participate in the translation process by assigning principals to each language, sending reviews, and discussing changes. This is the same way it works on GitHub.

Video presentation

If you look at the video demonstration, it should be clear.

What programs are in use?

1. google/WebFundamentals

Best practices for modern Web development

2. nuxt/docs

Nuxt. Js document

3. ruRust/async-book

Asynchronous programming in Rust

GitLocalize is really handy for managing localized documents, so if you need it, give it a try.

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