What do Internet people do 24 hours a day?

The article directories

  • Working days
  • During the holiday
  • I added

Based on the experience of friends, colleagues, summed up.

Working days

In the morning
7.30 get up
8.00 Wash and rinse
8.15 Arriving at the Bus Stop (watching the No. 83 bus walk away from me)
8.30 waiting for the bus
Arrive at the bus stop downstairs
9. Buy breakfast and arrive at the 20th floor of the company to clock in
9.30 start work after breakfast
9.40 Back to the end, start the code
10.00 Once interrupted by product
10.20 Go back to Writing code
10.50 Interrupted by product once
11.10 Go back to Writing code
In the afternoon
12.00 Go downstairs and have lunch with some friends
12.40 Start your nap
13.40 Wake up from a nap
14.00 Requirements review meeting
15.00 Continue writing code
18.00 People are starting to drift off work
18.30 to have dinner
19.00 Take a break to brush your phone
19.30 Start coding and look at requirements
20.30 eat midnight snack
21.00 Write technical documentation
21.30 take a taxi
21.55 to the dormitory
22.10 wash gargle
22.30 Go to bed and play with your phone
22.31 Find no one chat, download the game again
23.30 Met a group of dishes than teammates, decisively uninstall the game
23.31 Brush zhihu, watch hot spots
00.59 Go to sleep with the light off

(Note that this timeline ignores some operations less than 5 minutes. For example: go to the bathroom, fetch water, smoke, chat, brush the mobile phone, watch the stock market, watch bitcoin, brush the news, etc.)

During the holiday

In the morning
10.00 wake up
11.00 Get up and wash
11.20 Ordering takeout and playing with your phone
In the afternoon
12.00 Eat takeout and watch live
12.30 Take out the garbage after eating
12.35 Sleeping in bed
14.00 Wake up suddenly
14.01 Pick up the phone to brush hot spots, brush news, watch Zhihu
16.00 Turn on the computer and remember there is a live broadcast
Go out for dinner at 18.00
19.00 go back to dormitory and stay in
19.30 play data2
20.30 Play the phone and reinstall the game
22.00 Good team today, keep playing
23.00 continue to
00.30 is banned. Rest up
00.50 Finish washing
01.30 go to bed

I don’t know if it’s exactly the same, but this is the daily life of some ordinary Internet people

I added

I don’t know about anyone else, but I know there’s a lot more I can do.

  • tourism
  • See the video
  • Look at books
  • Write an article
  • Go out running
  • Write a website project
  • Exercise at the gym
  • Look at the beautiful scenery
  • Go shopping and watch movies with my girlfriend
  • Invite friends out for drinks, dinner and chat

What do you do in the comments section