A preface.

Hello, everyone.

Yesterday in the Nuggets saw such an article: embrace cancer DDD!

I have been working on DDD recently, and I have also posted several series articles and uploaded a demo on Github

When I saw what he wrote, I just sprayed it.

Demo address of DDD

DDD series blog

  1. A penny will take you to DDD
  2. Event-driven model for DDD implementation
  3. DDD landed storage
  4. The architecture layer of DDD landing

Warning: if readers think I’m riding the wave, close the current page here

Talk about DDD

My first thought after reading the above blog post: You made me laugh.

Concerned about the technical public number of everyone has seen: ERP is dead, in Taiwan has been cool,DDD king!

Click on it, TM is a bunch of ads for selling classes, and then you turn it off. But you also cancel the attention of this public number, because inside send a technical article, will send three advertisements. On the technical text or the other public number quoted, quoted public number inside what he github a series of interview information, used to drainage.

I’m a blogger myself, and I don’t pretend to be a snob. I want to be a tech blogger and get some publicity.

I also want to use some gimmicky titles.

It is not easy to be a technical blogger. It is not easy to accept advertisements and make headlines. If your content is of high quality, it is no problem.

But what was that article about?

Throughout the article around said DDD are conceptual things, what the emperor changsheng to find a fang, fawnting leaders brag force…

Are you a tech guy or an operations guy?

The entire article does not explain the basic concepts of DDD, does not explain why DDD exists, does not compare DDD with existing MVC architecture, does not explain DDD applicable scenarios, starts to spray DDD cancer.

I can understand that, but there are a lot of students on the nuggets, a lot of junior programmers out of college. Come up here and make DDD look like shit.

As you said, you should write MVC well, so you don’t need the front end, you can write the back end.

Microservices don’t work either. It’s not impossible for hundreds of thousands of people to develop a project.

In my opinion, DDD is indeed a business-level concept that has not been practiced much at present, but in medium and large systems, if you understand its core understanding, it can be very useful for business iterations. Even if your system is MVC, there are a number of layering and congestion model concepts in DDD that are worth learning from.

I don’t support small system all the time, communication cost is high, and CRUD may have been finished with the effort of building shelves.

But spray DDD without comparison for no reason, you are really a knife pull ass, give me an eye.

End three.

I personally think that for the unknown technology or some commonly heard nouns, you can go to understand, do not need you to understand, do not need you to use. At least you know what it is when people talk about it. Maybe it will become the mainstream later, just like micro service was criticized when it first came out, now you say you can’t micro service, no company wants you.

Also, bloggers with high traffic should think about whether their writing is appropriate before Posting. I remember when I was writing DDD, I asked a blogger how to improve the quality of their blog and attract their blog, and the answer seemed to be that IT is better to spray DDD than to praise DDD.

Hi, I deleted the chat record, otherwise it would have been wonderful to post it.

Four. Contact me

Nailing: louyanfeng25

WeChat: baiyan_lou

Public account: Uncle Baiyan