Open mind, wisdom of crowds and innovative spirit. A platform is a place where forces can meet.

Zuckerberg believes that in the competition for talent, the company with the best hackers will win. “One good hacker is worth 10-20 engineers,” he says. Our culture allows great people to deliver results quickly and earn respect.”

Open mind, wisdom of crowds and innovative spirit

A platform is a place where forces can meet.

As the old saying goes, “running water never rots, and a hinge on a door-hinge never worm-eaten”, Facebook has built a platform to inject vitality into the site and lay the foundation for integration. In Facebook’s user initiation period, the open strategy made Facebook stand out quickly, and it was able to gather popularity and prepare for the next expansion and layout.

By opening up, we mean opening up Facebook’s vast collection of social user profiles and relational data to third-party developers through an API (application programming interface).

A user’s Facebook account is not just a passport to the site, it’s the key to a new social world.

The biggest advantage of social platforms lies in the interaction and communication power of fans. Marketers release information, communicate with the public, distribute discounts and carry out creative marketing activities here, which promotes the rise of social marketing.

For advertising, Facebook leverages space across social, gaming and app platforms, including news streams, games, home page sidebars and mobile app alliances. In addition, Facebook launched sponsored Stories as a native AD format to make advertising more “soft.”

Facebook also has the ingredients needed to be a successful platform: a large user base, a wide developer base, good development support, and a mature monetization model.

Over the years, Facebook’s rules have been in a state of flux, eroding the foundation of trust between developers and the platform. Without a stable business environment, no one can produce content for Facebook.

Since its inception, the App Store has not only had a combination of scientific algorithms and human beings reviewing apps, but it has also created a harmonious situation where all parties in the value chain win. Apple has adopted a share system that lets developers take the lion’s share of the revenue (70%).

Facebook, by contrast, is the only place where games have grown in what should have been a lush meadow.

Facebook smashed its platform dream.

Six years before and after the regret and achievement.

“Facebook has played an interesting role in the mobile Internet era. We’re more like another app than an operating system.”

Six years later, the mobile Internet has revolutionized the world. Facebook, having missed the platform opportunity, is no longer the dominant player in the industry. The diversity of apps is starting to break away from the big brother and surpass Facebook in terms of differentiation in their own right.

Now, the platform Facebook wanted to build has all but collapsed, and the open ideals it once worked on have fallen by the wayside. Facebook Platform is seen by its executives as a “social layer” on top of Android, iOS and other operating platforms. The irony is that Facebook is no longer proud of how many apps are integrated into its platform, but rather how many apps it connects with.