One: Web front-end interview what?

For the position of Web front-end engineer, I have seen many students prepare before the interview. Do questions, do questions, do questions, this is the preparation of many students before the interview, full of expectation to rely on these interview questions to pass the interview, and many students do not like this, how to learn how to learn. At best, I have prepared some interview skills beyond the techniques and have not seen many interview questions.

As a result, many students who do interview questions all day long, interview again and again, one or two months have not found a job, on the contrary, those who do not prepare for the interview questions, some interview only two or three times, some interview four or five times, as many as seven or eight interviews and found a dream job.

Here I would like to recommend my own Web front-end development learning group: 645199623, the group is learning web front-end development, if you are learning front-end, xiaobian welcome you to join, today to share this case has been uploaded to the group file, we are software development party, do not regularly share dry goods (only front-end software development related), Including a 2019 latest front-end advanced information and advanced development tutorial sorted by myself, welcome advanced and advanced friends who want to go deep into the front-end.

Why does this happen? Those who prepared hard for the interview did not succeed, while those who did not prepare for the question easily found a job. Last year, we held an experimental class for Web front-end engineers. After the students graduated, we did a detailed follow-up survey on the interview situation and finally found the crux of the problem.

Two: Web front end test classification

1. Basic questions

Basic test questions, for the Web front-end, that is HTML3, Css3, JavaScript, some companies also ask some mobile front-end skills. For this part of the skills, the content is nothing more than the difference between P adding and Margin, the performance optimization of the web page, the new features of CSS3, how to add and remove nodes using JavaScript, or an HTML code, Css code interview. See, these are the most basic skills needed to master front-end work, if these skills are not solid, no matter how many questions memorized, it will not matter. Because in the interview, a little change of topic, a little change of the question, or change a part of the code, the grasp of the firm may not answer, the result. Of course it failed.

Therefore, the basic test is an essential content of the Web front-end job interview, which is a core indicator to examine whether a candidate can complete the job.

How to become the market needs the front end talent!

2. JavaScript native test questions

In fact, these skills are not difficult, as long as the patient study, can be easily learned. But there are many students learn these skills, listen to the teacher said that these skills in the work is not particularly much, they think not, also do not learn.

In fact, the interviewer is not testing these skills for technology, but to test whether a person is really interested in JavaScript language, whether there is a thirst for knowledge and curiosity, whether there is a basic ability to learn and understand, these are the basic qualities of a developer.

As we all know, there are so many JS frameworks now, any school, a training institution can not all speak again, there is no time, there is no need. But when you are looking for a job, there are so many companies, who knows which company uses which JS framework. Of course, the candidate is thinking about this in the interview, so the interviewer will be thinking about it too, so he might ask you for some framing skills that would be better if you mastered them. If you don’t, but you have a solid grasp of these things in JavaScript, he will recognize your ability as well.

Now, you might be wondering, why is that? As anyone who studies the Web front end knows, all JS frameworks are based on JavaScript native. As long as you master JavaScript native skills solid, any framework in front of you that is not difficult, learning any JS framework, as long as it takes a few days, will be able to understand thoroughly from the inside to the outside, when will also be handy. Like a master of C language, and then learn Java and other languages, it is easy to do, not difficult people at all. So, once you’ve mastered native JavaScript skills, there’s no problem with any framework, or one that’s developing in the womb. So, you see why the interviewer is testing you on native JavaScript skills. In the workplace, the ability and experience to a certain stage, are not for the skills, more is to understand the attitude of the job seekers to the development work, to learn the depth of understanding and the sense of communication. This is the purpose of interviewing for JavaScript native skills.

3, new technology test questions

At the moment, the front end is relatively new, such as ES6, which is only partially supported by major browsers, so few companies are using it. But why do almost all companies ask for ES6 skills in job interviews?

When an interviewer asks a candidate, he may not know much about it himself, but that’s what he’s interviewing for. In fact, he interviews you this kind of questions, is not to hope that you more proficient, master much good. Basically is to see you to the attention of frontier technology and the thirst for knowledge to new technology.

For the Web front end, is a particularly fast update of the industry, almost every year there are a lot of heart technology interview, as a Web front end developer, if not sensitive to new technology, no desire to learn new technology, then may soon be eliminated by the industry. So, what is the use of enterprises recruiting such job seekers?

After a successful interview in the experimental class, a student summed up his interview experience, it is very clear that the importance of mastering the new technology for the interview, is excerpted as follows:

The technical interview should highlight that you are intellectually curious, interested in new technologies and willing to continue to learn. The company will not reject people who love to learn. The let const Promise arrow function is the most important function in ES6.

How to become the market needs the front end talent! Third, Web front-end technology learning and analysis

After understanding the purpose of enterprise recruitment, for the Web front-end technology in each module content, how to learn, have a good idea of it. Web front-end HTML, Ccss3, JavaScript, mobile front-end these parts are the basic content, but also front-end development engineers must master the skills. So in view of this part of the skills, it is necessary to learn solid, to master the degree. In particular, object orientation, closures, variables and object storage should be well understood and clearly expressed.

Learn one or two JS frameworks thoroughly, as well as others. Keep an eye on new technology, not to the extent that you know how to use it, but to know that you can handle it in an interview.

The following two graphs are extracted from tens of thousands of recruitment information for front-end positions. As can be seen from the graphs, basic skills account for the largest proportion, among which JavaScript accounts for 71%, indicating the position of JavaScript in the front-end. Each of the commonly used frameworks also has a requirement above 18%, and other new technologies have a proportion of enterprise requirements.

After understanding the requirements of enterprises for various skills, as well as the focus of learning Web front-end skills, look back at the recent Web front-end products of Jade Bird, you will find a change. That is, both the breadth and depth of basic skills have increased, and the learning time has greatly increased, so that students can learn to master them all. Lay a good foundation for employment. A lot of frameworks have also been added. Vue, Angualar, React, Node and other frameworks commonly used in enterprises have been added to the curriculum system. However, only one or two frameworks are explained in detail, and the purpose of the presentation is to enable students to understand the native code and reach the degree of generalization by analogy. The new technology has also been incorporated into the curriculum system, which not only enables students to timely understand the new technology, but also cultivates students’ sensitivity to the new technology. At the same time, it also foreshadows a successful interview for students, so that students can successfully deal with the interviewer in this part.

Here, understand why the students who usually master solid skills, before the interview did not prepare too much interview questions, unexpectedly easy to pass the reason. Therefore, students should not only master the common skills of the enterprise, but also firmly master the basic skills. The framework should also be steadfastly learned as the upgrading skills, and new technologies should not be ignored. Both should be taken into account.