Premise: Although the national consumption of what are not the same, not completely comparable, this article only on the number to discuss.

Facebook office salaries vary globally, but look only at the Bay Area

Average earnings of E5 engineers at Facebook: RMB 2.5 million

You can see the revenue statistics of Silicon Valley companies at For example, the average revenue of Facebook’S E5 is $370,000, which is about 2.5 million yuan.

That includes a base salary of $200,000, stock of $150,000 and a bonus of $30,000.

This includes all types of engineers. When it comes to front-end engineers, it can be seen that front-end engineers and other types of platform engineers have the same income. There is no obvious “discrimination”.

What do Facebook E5 front-end engineers look for?


  1. Senior engineer, can try to be manager at the beginning
  2. Understand business logic. Know basic business data and trends
  3. Be able to make plans to solve problems
  4. architecture
  5. You can lead the team if you need to

Not to mention the manager-related requirements, purely from a technical point of view, what is required is the ability to solve problems at a macro level.

I’ve worked as a front-end engineer myself for over seven years, and I’ve found that if you want to move up the ladder, the expectation is not how good you write code, but to be able to assess the requirements of a project at a macro level, whether it’s worth doing, how many people it takes, how long it takes, and how it’s implemented to speed up development and reduce risk.

In terms of the specific architecture, it is necessary to design a scheme that allows the code of members of different ability levels to coexist. It is impossible for a large project to make all the code perfect, and flaws must be allowed. All we need is the core, the code with the wide reach is perfect, and the rest of the code in the local area is just fine as long as it works, since most of the non-core code will be rewritten in the near future.

To put it simply, the primary engineer considers the risk of his own code, while the senior Engineer considers the risk of the system and business.

What exactly does the interview test

This is a brief summary of the guidance that our Facebook-recruiter will provide after entering the interview session, including how to prepare.

  1. Coding screening: two questions in 45 minutes. You have passed the following onsite requirements
  2. Onsite: Five consecutive rounds of interviews with a few breaks in between
    • Code questions: 1 or 2 questions in 45 minutes
    • Code questions: 1 or 2 questions in 45 minutes
    • System design: 45 minutes to design a search suggestion and so on
    • Product design: 45 minutes to create an Instagram or something
    • Behavioral interview: Take a look at your history and personality, that sort of thing

Even though Facebook does React, interviews don’t require you to know React because they don’t. Instead, basic JavaScript/CSS/HTML is most important.

What are the code questions /problem? Tag… . As can be seen:

  1. The question itself is not difficult, such as handwritingArray.prototype.flat()Such as
  2. But it is difficult to write two questions in 45 minutes (30 minutes or so, excluding the small talk) and explain them clearly without making major mistakes.

JavaScript is the key to code problems, so you need to master the basics. I recommend for this tutorial, which is pretty good.

The other thing is the algorithm. Front-end engineers do not require too sophisticated algorithms, tree related algorithm proficiency is OK. Easy medium in LeetCode. During the interview, you need to do a complexity analysis of the code you wrote, the foundation of the foundation.

What are the design questions

Personally, it’s a harder test. System design is a local design, product design is the overall macro design.

System design is aimed at the local, need to have enough understanding of performance optimization, in order to master the topic trend in the chat with the surface test tube. It is a good idea to review the open source libraries used in your projects and what factors you should consider if you are writing your own instead of using them.

Product design is somewhat difficult for front-end engineers, because it is not a complete test of front-end development ability, but the overall design of the system, more understanding of the data flow.

Prepare for these interviews as if you were a back-end engineer designing for them, and know some basic server knowledge and common server bottlenecks and optimizations.

Behavioral interviews

This one is more open, and if you make the interviewer think you’re interesting and fun to talk to, you’ll probably be fine.

Review your own project experience and give specific examples. In other words, Facebook wants to use your past as a barometer of your future connection to the Facebook atmosphere.

Another is the practice of English, although it does not require much good English, at least the chat can not be too stumbling, can not let the interviewer repeat the question too many times.

So what’s the point?

Front end engineers start low and have a high ceiling. If the big domestic factories can go, in fact, we can still go to the big foreign factories, we should be confident!

It’s not a bad thing to spend a few years at a foreign company like Facebook while you’re young.

Come on!