The annual grand festival 520 is coming

Programmers show love in so many ways. For example, draw a heart in Python

from turtle import *
import time

fillcolor('pink') speed(5) up() goto(-30, 100) down() begin_fill() left(90) circle(120,180) circle(360,70) left(38) circle(360,70) circle(120,180) end_fill() up()  goto(-100,-100) time.sleep(10)# Not on this trip
Copy the code

Or maybe the following two images have too much code to be shown here.

This kind of

But if you really only according to this method to express the programmer’s love for his girlfriend So regret to tell you You can only be a person of 520 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Haven’t you heard of a joke Surely, not afraid, afraid straight men gifts

Today the little lion will talk about 520 should send what gift after all

First of all, do not choose according to the sales ranking of some treasure

As it turns out, these top-rated gifts are just two words for girls

So next I will give you to find out what is suitable 520 gift, if you think it is good, remember to click on the lower right corner of the article to see

1. The lipstick

Lipstick how important for women, you should know that ~ but for most straight men, so many color, how can we distinguish, in fact, I can’t tell, so I summarized as long as you buy the hot color number can, can know to buy lipstick (not to buy barbie death powder) is good, also let us color number, then please click on the top right corner of the fork fork, This is not the beauty of the popular science account (´⊙ω⊙ ‘) @? RMB &?

Dior 999, Armani405, Lancome 196, Christian Louboutin, if you want to send them, take your girl friend to the counter

Perfume of 2.

Dior True Me, Chanel Capril, Armani Love Love perfume (Red Love),

If you’re a rich person, check your girl’s Twitter to see if she’s forwarding raffle items, and check her recent additions to her shopping cart. She’s on the fence about buying something, and then it’s your turn to perform. In a word, buy.

Do not send some children to give gifts, this is the majority of straight men should learn the gift guide, but also a sincere way of giving gifts: I give you what you want, I can meet your needs, rather than think I like, you must be interested.

Sometimes it’s that simple to get the girl.