Abstract: Ali Cloud solutions general manager Liu Shuquan said in the theme of “cloud transformation road” speech, artificial intelligence has entered the stage of industrialization, we can see, artificial intelligence and more vertical industry, and the combination of detail industry. “Retina” video cloud intelligent video solution, the technological crystallization of artificial intelligence and video cloud, was also officially released in the speech.

AI was a hot word at the Beijing Summit of the Computing Conference, which concluded successfully in Beijing last week. At the main forum of the Summit, Ali Cloud publicly displayed AI layout for the first time, proposed the concept of industrial AI, and released ET brain that integrates urban management, industrial optimization, air scheduling and other global capabilities, enabling ARTIFICIAL intelligence in every scene of life.

Ali Cloud solution general manager Liu Shuquan said in the theme of “cloud transformation road” speech, artificial intelligence has entered the stage of industrialization, we can see, artificial intelligence and more vertical industry, and the combination of detail industry. “Retina” video cloud intelligent video solution, the technological crystallization of artificial intelligence and video cloud, was also officially released in the speech.

We know that in the video space, visual computing technology can improve the efficiency of video processing, we can also have a deeper understanding of video content and data mining, the combination of the two can bring more feasibility to the industry. So what capabilities does Ali Cloud have in the field of video AI technology? Let’s start with a specific scenario.

When you come home tired and want to choose a video program to watch, you can only judge the content of the program simply by the title. You may spend 20 minutes, but choose a program that you give up after five minutes because you are not interested in it. So, when the content of the video can be read by artificial intelligence, the scene can be rewritten. Liu Shuquan, general manager of Ali Cloud Solutions, explained how this change was realized on the scene of the Beijing Summit of the Cloud Conference.

The change comes from Ali Cloud Retina — Video Cloud intelligent video solution, which is based on the distributed computing and streaming media processing capabilities of Ali Cloud’s massive videos and uses artificial intelligence modules such as machine learning, pattern recognition and computer vision to analyze, understand and process media data.

First of all, the Retina system can analyze the human face. Based on deep learning technology and massive face database, it can recognize the faces of celebrities, stars and other figures in the video screen. The live demonstration can be seen that the index of the characters in the film and television is easily and accurately presented. The system also allows users to register their faces by uploading photos of them, and can recognize them if they appear in a video.

Secondly, through video content understanding and user behavior analysis, the Retina system can take out a frame in the video that can best interpret the video content as a display page, and dynamically intercept the core content to accurately output the video cover to the viewer. The video header and video summary functions reduce the complexity of the viewer’s choice and can effectively improve the click rate of the video.

In addition, the retina video cloud intelligent solution also has video classification, multi-modal analysis, label prediction, video content audit and other capabilities, which can effectively improve the efficiency of video distribution and management.

In addition to structuring the video content, the Retina system can also dynamically recognize speech. From the live demonstration, we can see that every sentence in the video is quickly and accurately converted into text, and a timeline can be selected for playback. It’s also worth noting that OCR (words in a video) can be easily recognized by the retina system.

(Video comprehension ability and application scene interpretation of Ali Cloud Retina system)

We can see that the content of the video has been completely structured with the retina system. When we analyze video, we don’t rely on humans anymore, we rely on artificial intelligence. Liu Shuquan, General manager of Ali Cloud Solutions, said, “With the smart video solution, the overall efficiency of video processing has been increased by 3,600 times. We can give it to the media industry to process from long media to short media, and we can give it to the UGC content production platform to produce more exciting small videos.”

Through technology convergence and upgrading, the efficiency of video processing can be improved. At the same time, Ali Cloud also brought good news of price reduction. The price of video product flow & bandwidth was reduced by up to 34%, while the price of North China 5 ECS was reduced by 25%. The technology dividend of infrastructure was released again, and the development of video industry was accelerated, which is the real industry empowering.

At present, the trial application of Ali Cloud Retina — Video Cloud intelligent video solution has been opened on the official website, and all the price cuts have taken effect. For more information, please check:

Retinal product projects page to apply for a free trial: promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/act/vi…

Video on demand reduction activity details: promotion.aliyun.com/ntms/act/vo…

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