Introduction to the

The running environment of small programs is divided into the rendering layer and the logical layer, in which WXML templates and WXSS styles work in the rendering layer, and JS scripts work in the logical layer. In this way, some front-end frameworks such as jQuery and Zepto can not be used in small programs. Web developers can use the DOM API exposed by various browsers for DOM selection and manipulation.

Global configuration

The app.json file in the root directory of the applets is used for global configuration of wechat applets, determining the path of page files, window performance, setting network timeout, setting multiple tabs, etc.

  • Common configuration items
attribute type describe
pages string[] Page path list
window Object Global default window representation
tabBar Object The behavior of the bottom TAB
networkTimeout Object Network timeout
debug boolean Whether to enable the debug mode. By default, the debug mode is disabled
  • Some common configuration options

  "pages"[// The first item is the default home page"pages/index/index"."pages/logs/index"]."window": {
    "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#ffffff"// Navigation bar background color"navigationBarTextStyle": "black"// Navigation bar title color"navigationBarTitleText": "WeChat"// Navigation bar title text content"backgroundColor": "#eeeeee"// Window background color"backgroundTextStyle": "light"Dark/light},"tabBar": {
    "color": "# 666",// Unselected text color"selectedColor": "#ff8928"// The selected text color"list": [{
        "pagePath": "pages/index/index"// Page path"text": "Home page"// TAB button text"iconPath": "images/tabBar_img2.png", // Unselected image path"selectedIconPath": "images/tabBar_img1.png"// Select the image path}, {"pagePath": "pages/logs/logs"."text": "Log"}},"networkTimeout": {
    "request": 10000, // Wx. request timeout period"downloadFile": 10000 //wx.downloadFile timeout},"debug": true."navigateToMiniProgramAppIdList": [// allows jumping to other applets' appids"wxe5f52902cf4de896"]}Copy the code

Configuration page

Each applet page can also use a.json file of the same name to configure the window representation of the page, and the configuration items in the page will override the same configuration items in the window of app.json.

  "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#ffffff"."navigationBarTextStyle": "black"."navigationBarTitleText": "Wechat Interface Function Demonstration"."backgroundColor": "#eeeeee"."backgroundTextStyle": "light"
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A sitemap configuration

The sitemap.json file in the root directory of the applet is used to configure whether the applet and its pages are allowed to be indexed by wechat.

Register applet

The entire small program only one App instance, is all pages shared. Developers can use the getApp method to get globally unique App samples, get data on the App, or call functions that the developer has registered with the App.

App({onLaunch (options) {// Do something initial when launch.} OnShow (options) {// lifecycle callback -- listen for applets to start or cut foreground // Do something when show.},onHide// Do something when hide.}, onError (MSG) {console.log(MSG)}, OnPageNotFound (res){// Do something when page not found.}, globalData:'I am global data'
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Const appInstance = getApp() console.log(appinstance.globaldata) // I am global dataCopy the code

Page life cycle

Page({data: {// the initial data of the Page text:"This is page data."
  onLoad: function// Do some initialize when page load.}, onReady:function// Do something when page ready.}, onShow:function// Do something when page show.}, onHide:function() {// lifecycle callback -- listen on page hide // Do something when page hide.}, onUnload:function// Do something when page close.}, onPullDownRefresh:function() {// Do something when pull down.}, onReachBottom:function() {// Do something when page reach bottom.}, onShareAppMessage:function(res) {// The user clicks in the upper right corner to forwardif (res.from === 'button') {// From the page forward button console.log(}return {
        title: 'Custom Forwarding title',
        path: '/page/user? id=123'
  onPageScroll: function() {// Do something when page scroll}, onResize:function() {// when the page size changes, // Do something when page resize}, onTabItemTap(item) {// Console.log (item.index) is triggered when TAB is clicked; Console. log(item.pagepath); // The tabItem page path console.log(item.text); // tabItem button text}})Copy the code

Page routing

The framework maintains all the current pages as a stack

Open a new page
Call THE API wx.navigateTo using the component <navigator URL ="/page/index/index" open-type="navigateTo"/>
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Page redirection
Call API wx.redirectTo using the component <navigator URL ="/page/index/index" open-type="redirectTo"/>
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The page returns
Call API wx.navigateBack using the component <navigator URL ="/page/index/index" open-type="navigateBack"> The user presses the upper-left return buttonCopy the code
The Tab to switch
Call API wx.switchTab uses the component <navigator open-type="switchTab"/> User toggles TabCopy the code
Call API wx.reLaunch using the component <navigator open-type="reLaunch"/>
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Some common code can be separated into a single JS file as a module. Modules can only expose interfaces through module.exports or exports.

// common.js
function sayHello(name) {
  console.log(`Hello ${name} !`)
function sayGoodbye(name) {
  console.log(`Goodbye ${name}! SayHello = sayHello exports.sayGoodbye = sayGoodbye var common = require()} module.exports.sayHello = sayHello exports.sayGoodbye = sayGoodbye'common.js')
  helloMINA: function() {
  goodbyeMINA: function() {
    common.sayGoodbye('MINA')}})Copy the code

Commonly used API

The name of the instructions
wx.showToast A message dialog box is displayed
wx.showLoading The Loading dialog box is displayed
wx.request Initiates an HTTPS network request
wx.uploadFile Upload local resources to the server
wx.showShareMenu Displays a forward button for the current page
wx.login Call interface to get login credentials (code)
wx.checkSession Check whether the login status has expired
wx.getAccountInfoSync Obtain the current account information
wx.getUserInfo Obtaining User information
wx.UserInfo The user information
wx.authorize Initiate authorization requests to users in advance
wx.setClipboardData Sets the contents of the system clipboard
wx.getClipboardData Gets the contents of the system clipboard


WXML (WeiXin Markup Language) is a set of tag Language designed by the framework, which can be combined with the basic components and event system to build the structure of the page.

Data binding

The dynamic data in WXML comes from the data corresponding to the Page, and the variables are wrapped in double braces.

<! --wxml--> <view> {{message}} </view> // page.js Page({ data: { message:'Hello MINA! '}})Copy the code
The list of rendering

Bind an array on the component using the WX :for control property to render the component repeatedly using the data from the items in the array. By default, the subscript variable name of the current item in the default array is index, and the variable name of the current item in the default array is item.

<! --wxml--> <view wx:for="{{array}}"> {{item}} </view>

// page.js
  data: {
    array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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Conditions apply colours to a drawing

In the framework, use wx:if=”” to determine if the code block needs to be rendered. By default, the subscript variable name of the current item in the default array is index, and the variable name of the current item in the default array is item.

<! --wxml--> <view wx:if="{{view == 'WEBVIEW'}}"> WEBVIEW </view>
<view wx:elif="{{view == 'APP'}}"> APP </view>
<view wx:else="{{view == 'MINA'}}"> MINA </view>

// page.js
  data: {
    view: 'MINA'}})Copy the code

Wx: If vs Hidden Because templates in Wx :if may also contain data binding, the framework has a partial rendering process when wx:if’s conditional values are switched, as it ensures that conditional blocks are destroyed or re-rendered when switched. Wx :if is also lazy, so if the initial render condition is false, the framework does nothing and starts partial rendering only when the condition first becomes true. Hidden, by contrast, is much simpler; components are always rendered and simply show and hide. In general, WX :if has a higher switching cost and hidden. There is a higher initial render cost. Therefore, hidden is better if you need to switch frequently, and wx:if is better if conditions are unlikely to change at runtime.

The template

WXML provides templates in which snippets of code can be defined and then invoked in different places.

<! --wxml--> <template name="staffName">
    FirstName: {{firstName}}, LastName: {{lastName}}
<template is="staffName" data="{{... staffA}}"></template>

// page.js
  data: {
    staffA: {firstName: 'Hulk', lastName: 'Hu'}}})Copy the code

WXML provides two file references: import and include.

  • import

Import can use the template defined by the object file in this file

<! -- item.wxml --> <template name="item"> < text > {{text}} < / text > < / template > / < / reference import SRC ="item.wxml"/>
<template is="item" data="{{text: 'forbar'}}"/>
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  • include

Include can introduce the entire code of the object file except for template, WXS, which is equivalent to copying it to the include location.

<! -- header.wxml --> <view> header </view> <! -- footer.wxml --> <view> footer </view> <! -- index.wxml --> <include src="header.wxml"/>
<view> body </view>
<include src="footer.wxml"/>
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WXSS (WeiXin Style Sheets) is a Style language for describing the component styles of WXML. Compared to CSS, WXSS extensions have the following features: dimension unit style import

Size of the unit

RPX (Responsive Pixel) : ADAPTS to the screen width. Specify a screen width of 750rpx. For example, on iPhone6, the screen width is 375px and there are 750 physical pixels, then 750rpx = 375px = 750 physical pixels and 1rpx = 0.5px = 1 physical pixel.

Style import
/** common.wxss **/
.small-p {

/** app.wxss **/
@import "common.wxss";
.middle-p {
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Inline style
<view style="color:{{color}};" />
<view class="normal_view" />
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The selector


WXS (WeiXin Script) is a set of scripting language for small programs. Combined with WXML, you can build the structure of a page.

The module
Method 1: WXS labels
<! -- tools.wxs --> var foo ="'hello world' from tools.wxs";
var bar = function (d) {
  return d;
module.exports = {
  FOO: foo,
  bar: bar,
module.exports.msg = "some msg"; <! -- page/index/index.wxml --> <wxs src=". /.. /tools.wxs" module="tools"/> <view> {{tools.msg}} </view> <view> {{}} </view> <! --> some MSG'hello world' from tools.wxs
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Method 2 :require the function
<! -- tools.wxs --> var foo ="'hello world' from tools.wxs";
var bar = function (d) {
  return d;
module.exports = {
  FOO: foo,
  bar: bar,
module.exports.msg = "some msg"; <! --logic.wxs--> var tools = require("./tools.wxs");
console.log("logic.wxs")); console.log(tools.msg); <! -- /page/index/index.wxml --> <wxs src=". /.. /logic.wxs" module="logic"/ > <! -- Console output: -->'hello world' from tools.wxs
some msg
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Variables in WXS are all references to values. Undeclared variables that are assigned directly are defined as global variables. If only variables are declared without assigning values, the default value is undefined. Var behaves like javascript, with variable enhancement.

var foo = 1;
var bar = "hello world"; var i; // I === undefined variable names must comply with the following two rules: The first character must be a letter (A-za-z) and the last character must be a letter (A-za-z), the last character must be an underscore (_) and the last character must be a digit (0-9).Copy the code
<! -- wxml --> <wxs module="sample"< span style = "max-width: 100%; clear: both; min-height: 1em; All WXS code from /* is commented var a = 1; var b = 2; var c ="fake";

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The event

Events are the communication mode from the view layer to the logical layer. Events feed user behavior back to the logical layer for processing. Events can be bound to components, and when a triggering event is reached, the corresponding event handler in the logical layer is executed. Event objects can carry additional information such as ID, dataset, and Touches

The event list
type The trigger condition
touchstart Finger touch begins
touchmove Fingers move after touch
touchcancel Finger touch action is interrupted, such as a reminder, popover
touchend End of finger touch action
tap Touch your finger and leave immediately
longpress If the event callback function is specified and the event is triggered, the TAP event will not be triggered
longtap After finger touch, leave after more than 350ms (longpress event is recommended instead)
transitionend Triggered when WXSS Transition or wx.createAnimation finishes
animationstart Emitted when a WXSS animation starts
animationiteration Emitted at the end of an iteration of a WXSS animation
animationend Emitted when a WXSS animation completes
touchforcechange On iPhone devices that support 3D Touch, retiming is triggered
submit Submit the form
scroll Scroll event

Event binding is written as a key or value. The key begins with a bind or catch and then follows the event type, such as bindtap or catchtouchstart. The Bind event binding does not prevent bubbling events from bubbling up. The catch event binding prevents bubbling events from bubbling up


View the container
The name of the Functional specifications
movable-view A removable view container that can be dragged and slid across a page
cover-image Image views overlaid on native components
cover-view Text views overlaid on top of native components
movable-area Movable areas of movable-view
scroll-view Scrollable view area
swiper Slider view container
swiper-item Can only be placed in the swiper component. The width and height are automatically set to 100%
view View the container
Based on the content
The name of the Functional specifications
icon icon
progress The progress bar
rich-text The rich text
text The text
Form components
The name of the Functional specifications
button button
checkbox Multiple projects
checkbox-group Multiple selector, internal by a plurality of checkbox composition
editor Rich text editor, you can edit pictures, text
form The form
input Input box
label Used to improve the usability of form components
picker Scroll selector that pops up from the bottom
picker-view Embed a scroll selector for the page
picker-view-column Scroll the selector child
radio The radio program
radio-group Single selector, composed of multiple radio inside
slider Slide selector
switch Switch selector
textarea Multi-line input box
The name of the Functional specifications
functional-page-navigator Valid only in plug-ins and used to jump to the plug-in feature page
navigator The page link
Media components
The name of the Functional specifications
audio audio
camera Camera system
image The picture
live-player Real-time audio and video playback
live-pusher Real-time audio and video recording
video video
The map
The name of the Functional specifications
map The map
The canvas
The name of the Functional specifications
canvas The canvas
Ability to open
The name of the Functional specifications
web-view The container that hosts the web page
ad Banner ads
official-account The public account focuses on components
open-data Used to display wechat open data

Personal summary

  • Import modules – sample code
// common.js
function sayHello(name) {
  console.log(`Hello ${name} !`)
function sayGoodbye(name) {
  console.log(`Goodbye ${name}! `) } module.exports.sayHello = sayHello; Exports. sayGoodbye = sayGoodbye var common = require(exports.sayGoodbye = sayGoodbye var common = require('common.js')
  helloMINA: function() {
  goodbyeMINA: function() {
	common.sayGoodbye('MINA')}})Copy the code
  • jump
Wx. navigateTo({// jump - leave the current page, jump to a page url within the app:'test? id=1'}) wx.redirectto ({// jump - close the current page URL:'test? id=1'

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  • Get global data
var app=getApp()
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  • Style judgment
<view class="d-row1-cire {{stpe>=2? 'on-2':''}}"></view>
Copy the code


If there is something wrong in the article, please leave a comment. Hope this article was helpful to you! Grow together! Progress together! This article is only a personal summary of wechat applets. If you want to view more details, you can go to the official website of wechat applets