In order to make it easy for developers to adjust the capabilities provided by wechat, such as access to user information, wechat payment, etc., small programs provide many apis for developers to use. GetLocation ({type: ‘wgs84’, success: (res) => {var longitude = res.latitude // var longitude = res.longitude // latitude}} Wx.scancode ({success: (res) => {console.log(res)}}) : Most API callbacks are asynchronous, and you need to deal with the asynchronous side of your code logic. See applets API for more API capabilities. Micro channel small program development artifact “micro channel small program automatic slice generation layout software”, can quickly automatically generate small program front layout and code, there are free tutorials and technical support. The functions are as follows: 1. Slicing function: This part of the original handwritten work can be cut by slicing software. After cutting, it can automatically generate WXML, WCSS, JS files. 2, text recognition function: the text on the effect drawing can be recognized by automatic text recognition, improve the speed of input, reduce the workload. 3, archiving function: the design of the slice file can be archived, so that the next time needed to be taken to re-edit. As long as there is a slice file in the program can also show and edit. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions! Q Q: 348961183 official website:… Software download address:…