
Recently, as we all know, After Huawei was “forced out” of the backup plan, especially Huawei’s self-developed system directly caused great attention from developers in the industry. It may be because of the lack of such and such chip in China, which is often referred to as the lack of core and soul. However, Huawei has stopped cooperating with Google in times of peace, and has been silently developing its own system – Hongmeng System, which makes many developers extremely excited.

What is hongmeng system

Huawei HongmengOS (or HomonOS, HMOS) is its own operating system developed by Huawei. As early as 2012, Huawei began to plan its own operating system, aiming to become an alternative to Google’s Android system. Huawei’s own operating system is not called Kirin OS, but Hongmeng.

Recently, domestic and Huawei mobile phone manufacturers have carried out intensive tests on “Hongmeng”, which is undoubtedly an exciting news, because we have been waiting for “Hongmeng” to meet you soon ~

As can be seen from the above, OV’s two major mobile phone manufacturers have also tested it, and the results show that “Hongmeng” system runs 60% faster than Android system.

Specific release time

The release time of hongmeng system is still confidential, but I think it will take a while. However, it is said that Huawei P40 will be equipped with “Hongmeng” system in the near future, which needs further verification. However, whether the news is true or not, for China, it confirms the progress of China’s scientific research and development

Unfortunately, our Huawei phones cannot be directly upgraded to the “Hongmeng System” unless they are allowed to do so, because our Huawei system is still Android. Since Google limits android system, maybe huawei mobile phones with Android system in our hands will also face the situation of not being able to upgrade the new Android system. Of course, I personally hope that huawei mobile phones can be directly upgraded to Hongmeng system, I think, we are also looking forward to it

Impact on developers

Someone asked, does this “hongmeng system” need to be re-adapted? If you start at zero, it’s very troublesome. The good news is that Huawei’s “Hongmeng OS” is compatible with existing Android apps, which greatly simplifies the ecosystem for APP developers. Since it’s compatible with Android, it shouldn’t be a problem.

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