With just days to go before the May Day holiday, train tickets for May 1 will be available for purchase from April 17 through the ticket window of the Nuclear Railway Station on the Railway 12306.cn website. Tickets for popular destinations on The morning of May 1 have almost sold out immediately once the ticket channel opened, CCTV Finance reported.

Some platforms predict that the number of May Day tourists this year is expected to surpass the same period in 2019, reaching a new high of 200 million. As a result, the biggest problem for May Day travel is how to get a train ticket.

In fact, our programmers are relying on the strength to buy train tickets, such as the following and we recommend the 12306 ticket assistant, this is a programmer wrote a script to grab tickets, the project name is called – 12306

The project currently has 4377 stars on GitHub, 1302 forks (GitHub address: github.com/testerSunsh…

The Python version of the dependency library supports 2.7.10-2.7.15, which is designed as follows:

Dependent libraries

The project dependency package requirements.txt

Windows installation method:

pip install -i pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple -r requirements.txt

Linux installation method:

The root user (to avoid multiple python environment problems) : python2 -m PIP install -i pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple – r requirements. TXT

Non-root users (avoid using different environment when install and run) : sudo python2 -m PIP install -i pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple – r requirements. TXT

Other specific usage methods are as follows:

Of course, you can also check out the GitHub project details page for yourself.

Hope to help you ~

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