Author: Didi Public front end team – Fen


We built a company-level H5 editor solution internally based on Vue, which also included highly customized animations – the first version was customized by our sister who specializes in animation and then provided configuration.


Require transitions between three images:

The first slide zooms in slowly from normal, and the last frame the first slide disappears

In the second slide it appears, offset from left to right

The third slide, right to left.

The difficulties in

1. How to hide images transparently in the last frame?

2. How to coordinate the transition between pictures perfectly?

Three images to animate the transition. Next, let’s look at the code:


[class name filtered, at least for indication]

There are three divs that contain images and the two classes behind each div have different names

Img0, IMg1, img2 are written in different styles

Pulled, PulledL, PulledR this class name is to write different animations

Focus on how animations transition from one animation to another, as shown below:


The first two images are animated, and the last frame is transparent and hidden. The general idea is that

Opacity :1; Write to 100% opacity: 0

However, you will see that the effect is not what we want

Here also thanks to the idea provided by da Mo teacher, as follows:

Do opacity:1 for 99% and 100% of animation; opacity:0;

Animations Debugging Tool

We have introduced Chrome’s tool for debugging Animations, called Animations

This tool can debug the transition time between animations directly in the browser, so that the upper and lower animations can be perfectly connected, as shown in the picture:

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