The fruit shop next to the company, although it is a physical shop, but the owner has a love to play the Internet heart.

The boss attaches great importance to online marketing and promotion, and loves to try any new online promotion methods. When the public account became very popular, it made its own wechat public account and had its own wechat mall. However, online sales have not been done. The public account is more of a supplement to offline stores, doing some information push and service support.

When the small program just began to open registration, the boss immediately registered an account, although I do not know what the small program can do at that time, but still feel that technology is not pressure body, it is better than nothing.

The fruit store got a taste of the benefits of wechat’s dividend when it launched a nearby mini-program function.

Wechat’s user base is very large, and the small program is now the wechat team is pushing the function, it can be said that now carries the mission of wechat to connect all things. So when the nearby small program online, a lot of people who know this information have to look at their own nearby small programs, and because the fruit store does it in time, it is displayed in the nearby small program list, obtained a lot of peripheral user traffic.

Open the small program, first into the eye is beautifully designed home page, coupons placed in a prominent position, customers can start to buy fruit after receiving coupons.

The boss said he usually took some fruits of the season and set up a group of five people. There were office buildings nearby. The foodies who wanted to buy cheap fruits could not resist, so they would invite colleagues to buy them together, so the business suddenly became popular.

According to the clerk statistics, after the launch of the small program, the turnover of the store began to rise significantly, after joining the activity, the business is much more popular than before. Now it’s 20,000 yuan a day more than before, and the effect is very obvious.

Through the small program to attract precise users nearby, for their own offline store drainage, fruit store with their own persistence in return for a huge return, I believe that with the continued popularity of small program, this in the dividend period before the outbreak of players will harvest more!

How to combine fresh fruit store wechat operation with small program?

Fruit store + wechat public number + small program operation model, fruit store + wechat public number can not only dig community customers, but also reduce daily loss, increase sales and increase profits, why not?

There are several methods for fresh fruit wechat public operation:

1, the use of wechat public account mass messaging function: fresh fruit merchants will face such a problem, the attrition rate is high, especially in summer, the attrition rate increases sharply, the merchants are worried. Before the store prepares to reduce the price of the fruit that is about to expire, it can use the wechat public account to send a mass message to inform the surrounding old customers, so that those who live at home will not miss this opportunity to pick up a cheap price.

2. Save storage and transportation costs by means of reservation and promotion, and realize source and expenditure as much as possible.

3. Lock customers by membership system: Use wechat membership system to score points for customers and lock regular customers for a long time.

4. Create mini-program stores, issue shopping coupons through mini-programs, and encourage users to place orders directly. In the small program mall, you can hang pictures, so that users have an intuitive impression, direct purchase, and then choose door-to-door service, can not only improve customer experience, but also reduce the cost of experience.

WeChat small programs online, say fresh electricity to a new way, as a storefront fruit fresh businessmen, back to back and forth to store consumption, basic is the surrounding community residents within the community to promote the store WeChat applet is also easier, at the same time can own products on the go in small program, daily activities, sales promotion, as well as scheduled, All can be realized in small programs, users can learn the latest information as long as they scan the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, and at the same time, they can save more time to consume.

For fresh fruit store, with the small program, the storage and transportation cost of fresh fruit food will be reduced again, and the price of fresh fruit can also be reduced again, the dividend period of small program, fresh fruit store are you ready?