How can a student get a job as a product manager after graduation? What should designers, programmers, operations to product managers do to prepare? How do I get my first product job? New employee to product manager resume?

Recently met a lot of new people, want to switch to product manager but do not know how to enter and how to write a resume, feature this article.

Why do you want to be a product manager

First of all, whether you are a college student or a veteran in the community, you need to know why you want to be a product manager before making a career change. High pay, simplicity, passion or following the crowd?

This determines how far you can go! It’s not too much to say that the Internet industry is developing faster than any other industry in China.

A group of tuyere every year, every year a trend;

We have experienced comprehensive micro-blog, hundred regiment war, Internet finance, full live broadcasting and shared by all. What is the trend for? Where’s the next vent? Who knows!

No matter who the next wave of dark horse, the next station is the wind, as a product manager should grasp the preparation to quickly integrate into the industry.

How do product managers get into an industry they don’t understand?

This needs you to have enough accumulation at ordinary times, broad vision. Have a certain understanding and mastery of various industries and competitive products in the industry.

If you talk to him about any industry, they can give you a lot of leading enterprises or products in the industry. They have a certain understanding of each product and are familiar with the differences of each product.

How can you be as omniscient as Daniel?

Danniu has grown up from xiaobai step by step. They all have one thing in common: they try several top products in the App Store or App Store every week. Not just to use, to experience; It is to study other people’s product process arrangement, interaction mode, function combination and so on with thinking.

Given a product direction, how do you arrange peripheral features?

The core function of many products is relatively single at the beginning. How to organize peripheral functions around the core function? This writing is usually accumulated thinking and learning.

For example, if you make a short video product like Douyin, how can you attract the first wave of users? How do you keep your users active? How to let the user spread actively?

These are all things that the product needs to think about.

In a word, if you want to be a product manager, you must have the ability to continue learning and extreme love for products. That’s the main thing I think you need to think about before you make a product.

How to become a product manager

If you are a student, then congratulations to you, you have a greater advantage than the people who change careers in the society;

First, you have more time to learn the basics of the product.

Second, you have a clear idea before others that you should be in the product industry.

Third, you have school admissions, which is the easiest way to get in.

If you want to get started with a product, you have to read a book. You can go to the school library to borrow books or read e-books on the Internet, as well as some free online video courses, of course, you can also go to Taobao to buy video tutorials for a little money; I don’t think it’s worth spending money on video learning anyway. More need to understand their own! Don’t pay to sign up for a training class! Please see my previous article “Want to enter the Internet you, why I do not recommend you to sign up for the class”

The content of reading includes but is not limited to: product manager, product operation, interaction design, psychology, effective communication, art design and color matching;

Read a book to learn some basic concepts and theories, to timely summary of your learning results, this is also as a small white entry product industry can let you stand out in the same place.

You can write blogs, simple books, headlines, public accounts and so on; Be sure to let others see you grow and think.

How important is prototyping to a product? More than 90% of new products have entered this mistake, feel that the prototype to do very beautiful, do a lot of complex special effects to do a lot of high-precision prototype. In fact, this is not necessarily a good thing for a senior product, fooling those screening resume HR can also;

The core competence of product manager is product thinking.

I can clarify the business logic of products, master the core process of several non-popular products on the market, and quickly give thoughts and suggestions on a product.

A prototype is just a description of the functionality and flow of the product you want, without complex interactions. You do development and you still have to rewrite it, which is basically meaningless. All you need to do is explain the effect, which is generally understood by developers, and developers don’t require you to know how to implement it in Axure; Don’t beat a dead horse!

High-precision prototypes are even more ridiculous. Don’t you have any designers in your unit? How good is your color scheme and aesthetic of a product? Besides, without designer development, there is basically no implementation, right? Can you ensure that your high-precision prototype is usable for development without the involvement of a designer?


Product novice still can draw high precision prototype and do some complex special effects!


No kidding, but you need to go through THE HR level of resume screening. Otherwise, how likely do you think hr is to show you the possibility of your product thinking?

What qualities should a product manager possess

1. Good communication skills; Can clearly express their own ideas, not disorderly, clear thinking, articulate;

2. Have a deep understanding of products, experienced several non-mainstream products skillfully and deeply, and have my own thoughts and ideas;

3, smart, can quickly understand the expression of others, can quickly master some necessary skills;

4, motivated, studious is the only way you stand out from others at the same level;

Product rookie how to write a good resume

Your resume is your best show-product managers need to know what users are thinking!

Your resume is all you need to show. If you can’t write your resume properly, you don’t know what your users (HR, interviewers) want to know and care about. Then you got screwed on the first step.

A good resume should have these sections

1. Basic information (name, gender, age, native place, school of graduation, graduation time, unified recruitment, major, phone number, wechat, email, good-looking profile picture [girl])

2. Professional skills (mastery of tools, understanding of products, recent growth, past accumulation)

3. Educational experience (plus if you have a 211, 985 bachelor degree or above)

4. Personal projects and accumulation (including prototype cases, competitive product analysis, reading notes, thinking and growth, etc.)

5, Personal evaluation (self-evaluation, brag, show why you are suitable for the product manager position)

Explanation: Why the above information is needed:

Name: Absolutely

Gender: This is important to the interviewer

Native place: As long as the interviewer does not like your hometown is generally not deducted points.

Graduation school, time: a very important reference, to decide whether people want you, but also with the following your ability to match, see ability and fixed number of years are consistent

Unified recruitment: important (many non-uniform recruitment, three or the junior college this pit)

Major: Major (There is no corresponding major for product manager. If you major in psychology, interaction design will generally be bonus; If your resume is too broad or not bright enough, minus points)

Telephone: The most direct way to contact you for an interview

Wechat: General (HR or employer will add you after general employment, prepare some materials or related skills reserve)

Email: Important (send interview invitation, offer)

Photos: Bonus points for attractive women (deceptive Photoshopping can also get you through the screening process, but if you don’t perform well in the interview, then it doesn’t matter)

I won’t explain the rest, I just feel that the basic information is important.

On the whole, you want to let employers see you love this industry through your resume, and continue to work hard on this road, and have been making progress!

Finally, I wish you all product experience as soon as possible to find the right unit, position!

Write in a hurry, later have time to update…

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Personal wechat: cheng52364 Remarks (Product manager group) I can pull you to the product manager wechat group.

Qq Group: 600180385 Remarks (Product manager)

Wechat official account: Dabaipm