Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate – Cloud Computing

Aca-alibaba Cloud Certification Associate is a professional technical Certification for the use of Ali Cloud basic products, mainly involving ali Cloud’s core products of computing, storage, network and security. It is a comprehensive test and ability certification for students to master the technical skills of ali Cloud’s main products. It is mainly for students and developers, and can also be used as the entry certificate for operation and maintenance personnel.


Introduction to Aliyun

It mainly introduces aliyun products and technology overview, infrastructure and cloud security system, etc.


Master cloud server ECS

This paper mainly introduces the concept of CLOUD server ECS and the basic operation of instance, disk and snapshot, supporting two experiments, teach you to master the use of ECS.


Master cloud database RDS

This paper mainly introduces cloud database RDS instance management, database management, data migration on the cloud and other operations, supporting two experiments, teach you to master the use of RDS.


Master cloud storage OSS

This paper mainly introduces the concept of Ali Cloud object storage OSS, basic operations, the use of API and SDK, static website hosting, etc., supporting two experiments, teach you to master the use of OSS.


Master SLB load balancing

This paper mainly introduces the SLB product overview, basic operations and related issues, and provides two experiments to teach you how to use SLB.


Mastering Cloud Security

This paper mainly introduces common security threats on the Internet, Ali Cloud security system, and cloud shield, Knight, cloud monitoring related functions, supporting two experiments, teach you to master cloud security protection.


10 hands-on experiments

Details of Aliyun Cloud Computing Assistant Engineer certification:

Aliyun Cloud Computing Assistant Engineer Certification (ACA) home page

(This course is the ACA 
Alibaba Cloud Certified Associate – Cloud Computing related course, can only try the free class, you need to purchase the certification package to complete the class, to obtain the certificate.)

Official website of Ali Yun University (Official website of Ali Yun University, Innovative Talent Workshop under cloud Ecology)