Gorm uses specifications and best practices for reference only

Package/function management

Under the Model layer, it is recommended to use one file for each table. For example, student:

// student.go
type student struct {
    id   uint
    name string. }func.{ // the method corresponding to the student table
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It is recommended that the management of methods be managed using controller:

type StudentCtl struct {}

func (s * StudentCtl) QueryStudent(a){... }Copy the code

Maintain a default private controller in each file, exposing the method of obtaining controller to other packages/files:

var sc StudentCtl
func GetStudentCtl(a) *StudentCtl {
  return &sc
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Why do YOU need CTLS? Ctl is convenient to manage the methods in the table. It clearly tells its callers that this is a model layer method and a method related to database operations. It needs to consider the problems related to database operations, such as transactions, rather than a common function. CTLS also help decouple methods when thinking about implementing functionality.

Database connection

Peter Bourgon in [Translation] Some of the theories of modern GO argue that package-level variables should not be generated, but rather that variables such as database connection variables should be passed, which is in fact a necessary method for transaction control. I recommend maintaining the global variable DB under the Model layer/package, using DB directly for queries, but forbidding assignment to DB (database connection assignment can cause very serious consequences, such as DB = nil) :

/ / model under the package
var db *gorm.DB
func initDB (a){
    db,err = gorm.Open()
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For specific database connections, such as transaction control TX, it can be returned to avoid overwriting the database connection, and transaction control can be performed when transactions are needed:

func getDB(dbs ... *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB { if len(dbs) > 0 { return dbs[0] } return db } func (ctl *StudentCtl) QueryStudent(dbs... *gorm.DB){ tx := getDB(dbs...) . }Copy the code

Naming conventions

It is recommended to force the use of TableName to specify the mapping between tables and structures:

func (Users) TableName(a) string {
  return "users"
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For queryclass methods, use QueryXXX; For update class methods, use UpdateXXX; For delete class methods, use DeleteXXX; Create class methods using CreateXXX:

func (ctl *StudnetCtl)QueryStudent(dbs... *gorm.DB){... }func (ctl *StudnetCtl)CreateStudent(dbs... *gorm.DB){... }func (ctl *StudnetCtl)UpdateStudent(map[string]interface{},dbs... *gorm.DB){... }func (ctl *StudnetCtl)DeleteStudent(dbs... *gorm.DB){... }Copy the code