35 years old, as a programmer basically slowly dry out?

Faced with this problem, many industry insiders offer three very pertinent approaches:

  • # 1 Start a Business
  • Article 2: Transfer management
  • Rule three: technology

The “road to survival” of older programmers seems extremely long, and full of uncertainty, the future is uncertain, how can we not worry about it? Programmers, the older they get, the more their skills tend to deteriorate, and their competitiveness gradually gets worse, with predictable results.

Faced with a midlife crisis, many people have no choice. They don’t know what they can be and what they want to be.

A programmer in Dachang, Guangdong province, once sent me a private letter describing his predicament and crisis. He was 37 years old and made a million yuan a year, but he was waiting to be “killed” by his company. Many of you might wonder, why?

Quite simply, it is very, very difficult for older programmers to get promoted, especially in big factories, where the competition is fierce and brutal. You want your KPI to be high enough that, unless the team produces a good output, you have to do all the things you need to do in order to stay at the top and not be eliminated from the bottom.

There are ways, but too difficult to walk, almost impossible, moreover, old age, can not endure, fight to win.

The new intern, on the other hand, is excited at the mention of overtime, and even can accept the rotation. They are enthusiastic about their work and energetic. They are young and have low demands for salary.

Older programmers, older, increasingly declining skills, families, stuck in the cumbersome, but also often because of family issues and leave. As a result of the pressure of life, the salary requirement is quite high.

By contrast, if you were the boss, who would you choose? Abnormal clear cost performance, do not need to think.

There aren’t many options for real professionals in an industry that loves new things. There are all kinds of pressure behind the chase, and the road ahead is unknown, very slim, how desperate should it be?

If we had not been in this environment, we would not have known the hardship and anxiety.

Contemporary many middle-aged people, want to remove the workplace crisis, we must see more thoroughly, take certain measures, can not sit idly by.

First, break the siege

1, in the face of the present dilemma, we must make a good plan. If you feel lost and uncertain, try to see where you’re going.

Self-pity will never solve the problem, more can’t help you break through the siege.

At the crossroads of life, everyone will encounter the middle-aged career crisis, but it is a very small episode in the long road.

Planning ahead and accumulating capital to cope with future life changes is the right thing to do. Should I continue to study technology, switch to management, or start my own business?

Life has never been called a dead end, as long as you don’t give yourself the death penalty, will harvest the surprise of “another village”. There is always a way out, it depends on whether you know how to change direction.

Second, shatter the temporary shield of anxiety: take it one step at a time.

1, many middle-aged people who encounter workplace crisis, often feel anxious, however, their temporary shield is almost all “step by step, see step by step.

In my opinion, this approach is not correct. Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring your mistakes will not solve the problem.

People in middle age, far from the time to give up. Then and then, cheer up, improve their cognition, find the key to the problem, brave to meet another challenge of life, this is the correct outlook on life.

Take a step, see a step, broken pot broken fall, bow to reality, give yourself an excuse is limited energy, dry? One should be ashamed of such an idea at such a young age, the best of times.

Even if it’s for your family, you can’t just surrender.

Third, the road ahead is long, I see no end. I will search high and low

1, the road of life is very long, do not easily discouraged, not only programmers, in fact, many middle-aged workers have their own confusion.

In contrast, the annual salary of millions, even if fired, also have a rich family. With such capital, there are more options in the future, so you can completely not give yourself so much pressure, let alone too much anxiety.

Life has never been plain sailing, ups and downs, full of uncertainty. It is not easy to pursue your dream. It is because of suffering that you can learn so much.


In every industry, there are both good and bad ones. As long as you keep learning and making progress, you can pick the fruit that others can’t pick.

For programmers, there are too many knowledge content and technology to learn. Many people always encounter some problems when they just contact this industry or when they meet the bottleneck period. For example, after learning for a period of time, they feel directionless and do not know where to start to learn. They can pay attention to me and update various technical products every day.

At this point, as an Android developer, next I want to share these years, I for the technology of some summary and summary, and their own as an Android senior developer need to master those skills to share notes, I hope to help to the heart of the road to the black friends!

1. Advanced UI, custom View

The UI piece of knowledge is the most widely used today. That year the popular Android training, learn this small piece of knowledge can casually find a good job.

But obviously now is far from enough, refused to endless CV, personally to project combat, read the source code, research principle!

2.NDK module development

The content mainly involves the following aspects:

  • NDK module development
  • JNI module
  • Native development tools
  • Linux programming
  • Underlying image processing
  • Audio and Video development
  • Machine learning

3. Data structure and algorithm

Why study data structures?

This is because all programs are essentially data processing, how to efficiently process data, which depends on the structure of the data itself (such as type (integer, floating point, etc.), dimension, whether it is a complex type (structure type, class type, etc.) and the logical relationship between the data (linear, nonlinear, etc.).

The data structure is inseparable from the algorithm, the design of the data structure is to make the algorithm smooth and convenient implementation.

4.Java advanced and kernel principle

The content mainly involves the following aspects:

  • HashMap
  • ArrayList
  • LinkedList
  • Hashset source code analysis
  • The memory model
  • Garbage Collection algorithm (JVM)
  • The difference between garbage collection and calling System.gc()
  • Class loading process
  • reflection
  • Multithreading and thread pools
  • Design patterns
  • Java generics

And so on…

5. Advancement of Flutter technology

Knowledge points of this article:

Create your first Flutter APP. 4. Get started with the Flutter Dart language system

6.360 degree full performance tuning

As product content iterates, features become more complex, and UI pages become richer, it becomes a barrier to smooth operation. To sum up, APP performance optimization has become a comprehensive quality that developers should have, and it is also a guarantee that developers can complete high-quality application works.

1. Design ideas and code quality optimization

2. Program performance optimization

  • Optimization of startup speed and execution efficiency
  • Layout detection and optimization
  • Memory optimization
  • Optimize the power consumption
  • Network transmission and data storage optimization
  • APK size optimization

3. Optimization of development efficiency

  • Git, a distributed version control system
  • Automated build system Gradle

4. Actual project combat

  • startup
  • fluency
  • The practice of Douyin in APK packet size resource optimization
  • Youku responsive layout technology full analysis
  • Network optimization
  • Mobile Taobao Double 11 performance optimization project revealed
  • Autonavi APP full link source code dependency analysis
  • Complete the OOM experience sharing
  • Wechat Android terminal memory optimization practice

7.Framework refined kernel parsing

The main contents include:

  • In-depth analysis of Binder
  • Parsing Handler in depth
  • Dalvik VM process system
  • Parse WMS in depth
  • PackagerManagerService

8.Jetpack architectural components go from beginner to master

  • Android Jetpack – Navigation
  • Android Jetpack – Data Binding
  • Android Jetpack – ViewModel & LiveData
  • Android Jetpack – Room
  • Android Jetpack – Paging
  • Android Jetpack – WorkManger
  • Lifecycle for Android Jetpack architecture components
  • Jetpack Compose for Android

9.2020 Big factory interview high-frequency knowledge points

One, picture two, network and security mechanism three, database four, plug-in, modular, component, hot repair, incremental update, Gradle five, architecture design and design mode six, performance optimization seven, Android Framework eight, Android excellent tripartite library source code

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