- This is a Vue microblogging client
- Github project address: github.com/Werb/Pixel-…
- Welcome to my micro blog: Wanbo –
- I am a front end of the little white, suddenly thought of learning Vue by myself, writing back and forth for a month
- Vue-cli was used to build and package, and vUE bucket (VUE, VUex, VUE-Router) was used to encode
- Resource requests are made using AXIos
- Use Node.js to re-wrap the API to solve cross-domain problems
- Developed using Nodejs + Express
- Realize Oauth login, check the latest microblog, check single microblog comments, personal home page, my followers, my fans, tweeting and four kinds of messages (@my microblog, @my comments, received comments, sent comments)
- Github project address: github.com/Werb/Pixel-…
Please debug in Chrome Phone mode
npm install
npm run dev
- You need to register your app on Sina’s open platform before you can start
- I chose microconnect – web apps
- Save the App Key and App Secret
- Then set up the OAuth2.0 authorization callback page for us to call back to our web page after login, see api-config.js for details
- daily-zhihu
- douban
- NeteaseCloudMusicApi
- temool
Apache License