Git Git
Git Workflow
- Workspace: indicates the local working directory
- Index: cache area to temporarily store local changes
- Local Repository: A local repository that only wants to commit the HEAD one last time
- A: Remote repository
Git Git
Git local branch management
View, switch, create, and delete branches
Git br -r #
Git br <new_branch
Git git git git git
Git br –merged # Look at branches that have been merged into the current branch
Git br –no-merged # Look at branches that have not been merged into the current branch
Git co # switch to a branch
Git co-b <new_branch> # create a new branch and switch over
Git co -b <new_branch
Git co $id # git co $id # Git co $id # Git co $id #
Git co $id -b <new_branch
Git git git git git git git
Git git git git git git git git
Branch merge and Rebase
Git merge # Merge branch into current branch
Git merge origin/master –no-ff #
Git co && git co master && git co master && git merge
Git patch management (easy to use when developing synchronization on multiple machines)
git diff > .. /sync.patch # Generate a patch
git apply .. /sync.patch
git apply –check .. /sync.patch # Test whether the patch is successful
Git staging management
Git stash #
Git stash list
Git Stash Apply # Restore temporary content
Git stash drop #
Git remote branch management
Git pull # Grab all branch updates from the remote repository and merge them locally
Git pull –no-ff # grab all branch updates from the remote repository and merge them locally
Git fetch Origin
Git merge origin/master
Git co –track origin/branch
Git co-b <local_branch> origin/<remote_branch
Git push # push all branches
Git push origin master # git push origin master
Git push -u origin master git push -u origin master
Git push origin <local_branch
Git push origin <local_branch>:<remote_branch
Git origin :<remote_branch
Git remote repository management
Git remote -v
Git remote show origin
Git remote add origin git @github
Git remote rm # git remote rm #
Creating a remote repository
Git clone –bare robbin_site
SCP -r my_project.git [email protected] :~ #
Mkdir robbin_site.git && CD robbin_site.git && git –bare init
Git remote add origin git
Git push -u origin master #
Git push -u Origin Develop # Commit the local Develop branch to the remote Develop branch for the first time, and track
Git remote set-head origin master
git branch –set-upstream master origin/master
git branch –set-upstream develop origin/develop
View, add, submit, delete, retrieve, reset and modify files
Git help #
Git show $id git show $id
Git co —
Git co
Git add # commits the working file changes to the local staging area
Git add. # Commit all modified working files to the staging area
Git rm # delete files from the repository
Git rm –cached # Delete files from the repository without deleting them
Git reset # Restore from staging to working files
Git reset –. # Restore from staging to working files
Git reset –hard # Restore the status of the last commit
Git ci. Git ci
Git ci –amend # Amend the last commit record
Git revert <$ID > # Restores the status of a commit. The restore action creates the commit itself
Git Revert HEAD # Restores the status of the last commit
Look at the file diff
Git diff # Git diff # git diff
Git diff # compares the difference between two commits
git diff .. # Compare between two branches
Git diff — Staged comparisons between staging areas and version libraries
Git diff –cached # Compare staging and version library differences
Git diff –stat # only compares statistics
Viewing the Submission Record
Git log git log
Git log -p # see diff for each detailed change
Git log-p-2
Git log –stat #