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Coach, I want to learn Java!

How to learn Java, a simple proposition, I myself also toss about for several years, although I can not say that Java master, but also a little success, at least not understand some basic concepts and technical principles.

It has been almost 4 years since I first listened to the teacher’s JAVA course in class in my junior year. Looking back, I can say that my learning process is full of hardships, but I am making continuous progress. The so-called road is tortuous and the future is bright, which is basically what I mean.

The first method: take classes

Have a class here, still refer to the course in the school commonly, do not include training class. The Java curriculum in the school is generally relatively simple, the curriculum content is not too much, but for us at the beginning of these white, or very difficult.

When it comes to basic data types, ints, doubles, and floats take up a few bytes each, we don’t know why. When it comes to object orientation, classes, and interfaces, we don’t know why. To the end of the term, we brush questions, back the answer, so too, who did not put these knowledge too heart.

Probably the vast majority of people’s university Java courses are so learned, can only be regarded as a beginner, is to open the door to the new world for xiaobai.

Second: watch videos

The difference between attending class and watching videos is that watching videos is a self-taught process, so you can follow the course by yourself and complete the exercises together.

When I was just learning Java, I liked watching videos very much. It was very easy and I could watch the parts I didn’t understand over and over again. Although the efficiency was not high and the video quality was uneven, it was very friendly to beginners.

Over time, you’ll get used to learning by watching videos, and find your favorite course videos, try to speed them up, complete some exercises with them, and constantly improve yourself.

The third way: training

Training classes and university classes are different, the overall teaching speed is very fast, and pay more attention to practice, after all, they claim to be “crash course”, “including employment”, must ensure the speed of teaching, at the same time as soon as possible to cultivate students’ practical ability.

I haven’t really attended a training class, but the school asked us to participate in a one-week short-term training on Android. Actually, the teaching method is similar to that of the training class. The teacher will make PPT and take it with us to study, and explain it while typing code, which is quite interesting. In just one week, we’ve had an overview of Android’s basic controls and programming methods.

The fourth method: read

All say outstanding programmer is always want to read a book, there is Yan Ruyu also have gold room in the book, more programmers need to learn some basic knowledge and technical principle most. As a Java engineer, for example, you have to read Understanding the JVM or you’ll never get to the next level. You don’t know how it works, but you like to jump right into projects, which are like castles in the air.

Reading a book, need to consume time, energy, need you very carefully interpret the meaning of those professional nouns, so reading difficulty is often a very high threshold. But, as anyone who has read it knows, you have to stick it out to get the real knowledge you want.

Number five: read blogs

Blog, I do not know when, has become the most active territory of technical people, in blog park, CSDN, or nuggets, segmentfault and other technical communities, you can see some good technical articles, which are often the predecessors through reading, actual combat after refining things.

The quality of blogs varies, but if you can find good ones, it’s much easier than trying to summarize them yourself.

Sometimes you can’t read a book, so read a blog instead.

Number six: Blog

I admire from the bottom of my heart those who can write excellent technical articles. They always extract concepts very accurately and summarize them. Some can even turn these boring knowledge points into vivid stories or cartoons.

There are a lot of such big cattle, such as Liu Xin teacher, programmer small grey.

One of the biggest benefits of blogging is that it helps you learn more about what you’re writing about. Scientific research shows that teaching your knowledge to others is the most effective way to master it yourself.

In this respect, I am inferior to them. I have only written some superficial Java articles, but in addition, I cannot write any in-depth technical articles. I hope that after several years of technical accumulation, I can also write high-quality articles like them.


What they all have in common is that you need practice, whether it’s in books, on blogs, on your own, by referring to others, and ultimately by reinforcing it with practice.

Choose your own method, do not follow the trend, do not insist, but please insist.

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