The following is from the official account: Renmo qiqi

The following is not everyone’s opinion. It was written in a memo on the subway.

The first point: in fact, this thing is the most objectionable point is forced.

Just think of you and your girlfriend intimacy is a natural thing, but your policy must be a few times a week is distasteful, both sides of the degree of control is they know things, one party want to get more, there is a feedback, of course, this example is not very image, but this psychological effect on the force, not force effect is better.

The second point: it is a ridiculous reason, the other side always think is to buy up all your time, let you do what you do, but also let you feel that this is a happy thing.

Everybody knows about the Internet, the mobile Internet era, and now all these new technologies that make things flat and transparent. What’s more, the popularization of our education makes people more independent and thoughtful, which is hard to be influenced. People think about other people’s opinions, so it’s hard to brainwash someone.

If you’re talking to a stranger at Starbucks and you’re trying to convince him of your ideas, can you convince him if there are no other halo benefits. Can you convince a stranger to agree with you on Weibo or other we-media platforms? I’m sure it’s difficult. If the other person is younger than you, he or she may think you are middle-aged and greasy.

Third point: Why didn’t Jack Ma convince you on weibo?

In addition to the above reasons for independent thinking, there is another important point from Ma yun’s own level, from his perspective, what he said may be right, but many companies have too many layers, his ideas may not be implemented. What he says about doing what he likes makes sense from both sides.

Imagine if you were playing a video game and you could stay up all night, but you can control the amount of dopamine your brain releases.

If you are a freelance independent unit, you may be more tired than 996, do not believe you can maintain a public account, open source a project, or do an independent product.

Why is that? It’s emotional, it’s psychological, you do what you love, even though sometimes you may be confused, you may be lonely, but because you love it, you find what you want to do, so you never get bored.

Number four: Teamwork improves efficiency?

It is hard to avoid being more tired than 996 when you have to do everything by yourself. Does teamwork make you work more efficiently but not more efficiently? In addition to process time, what is more important is the leader. Speaking of which, if you are a leader, you may be very confused. It will be lonely when you are at or near the top of the mountain, and you will not see anyone beside you. There are too many competitors for a company to survive in the environment, which increases the pressure. Therefore, failing to be careful in this matter may lead people to make the worst strategy, increasing working hours in an attempt to achieve the goals that are not clear in the future. Then the term may be called trial-and-error, and under the guidance of trial-and-error thinking, it takes a lot of effort to succeed, and then you may be asked to do it, and then you are burdened with KPI and so on. Then the problem is that this may not be what you like to do, and your leader just arranges things for you, but does not give you a clear goal, such as expectations for you or a big pie to draw. While your physical energy is consumed internally, your mental energy is consumed internally in confusion.

Fifth: how to break through?

From the perspective of a leader, if a person wants to be a leader, even if there are only a few people in your team, he or she must have a career plan for them. A promising leader is not your attitude towards the top or the people below you. From our own point of view, your attitude to a doorman, cleaning aunt is your real attitude, if you can achieve open-minded attitude to the following people. Then the leader is a competent leader.

From my point of view, it’s about career planning and finding what you love to do. The biggest fear for professionals is that you are wasting your knowledge by doing the same simple things over and over again, with no time to improve your professional skills and networking.

This is the degree of control from both sides. Leaders have clear expectations of their subordinates, which allows them to have clear plans for the company. Leaders pay attention to each other’s physical condition, for example, a tired person can not improve efficiency, let alone creative work, a well-rested person can still like playing games all night, so we should often observe the psychological or physical condition of subordinates. Of course, the other party should also make the best efforts to achieve the common goal of you and the leader and make yourself worthy of the salary when the target is clear. I believe everyone has a conscience and is good. Since we all have the same goal then the company can grow, we can get paid more, and we can all be happy at work.