Prepare your project Node.js

Install node from the official website: Create a new folder and add an app.js script, whose contents are as follows:

console.log("Hello World")
Copy the code

Open a new terminal and locate it in your project folder. Launch your application with the command:

node app.js

We will configure the project in npm, thanks to the command npm init. You will answer the different questions.

Complex numbers

We will create a small class to encapsulate and manipulate complex numbers, which will meet the needs of the TP suite.

Resume and complete the following Complex class. None of the methods of the Complex class should alter the fields and Complex objects that they return are therefore always new instances.

class Complex {

constructor (re, im) { = re = im

* @return Complex le carré du complexe this
square () { / *... * / }

* @param {Complex} second à sommer à this
* @return Complex la somme this + second
sum (second) { / *... * / }

* @return Number le module du complexe this
module () { / *... * /}}Copy the code

To test that the library works:

var c1 = new Complex(0.1)
console.log("|c1| = " + c1.module())
console.log("c1 * c1 = " + JSON.stringify(c1.square()))

var c2 = new Complex(1.0)
console.log("c1 + c2 = " + JSON.stringify(c1.sum(c2)))
Copy the code

What should display at runtime:

|c1| = 1 c1 * c1 = {“re”:-1,”im”:0} c1 + c2 = {“re”:1,”im”:1}

Notes: Complex operation

A complex number is a number that can be expressed in the form , where and are real numbers, and is a solution of the equation . It can also be expressed in polar form as .

  • The sum

{% asset_img coord.jpg and %}

  • The module In this way, , and .. So we can get
  • The square
//Complex numbers
class Complex {

constructor(re, im) { = re = im
return this

/*get the square of this complex number
* @method square()
* @return {Complex} the square of this complex
square() {
var squ=new Complex() * - * = 2 * *
return squ

/*get the sum of this complex number and the second one * @method sum(second) * @param second{Complex} to summon this * @return {Complex} the sum this + second */
sum(second) {
var summ=new Complex() = + = +
return summ

/*get the module of this complex
* @method module()
* @return {Number} the module of this complex
module() {
var Number = Math.sqrt( * + *
return Number}}Copy the code

Read a number from the console

The [readline module][6] (integrated with node) is used to manipulate flows, read one line at a time. Among these flows, one can access those of the console (process.stdin, process.stdout). Here is what the official documentation gives us:

const readline = require('readline')

const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

rl.question('What do you think of Node.js? ', (answer) => {
// TODO: Log the answer in a database
console.log('Thank you for your valuable feedback:', answer)

Copy the code

To convert a string to a number: parseInt (string) or Number (string) Design a program with the following behavior (question + confirmation):

Size of the image to generate? 128 Choice of dimensions: 128x128px

Notes: JS readline.Interface module

  • When the code is called, the Node.js program does not terminate until readline.Interface is closed because the interface is waiting for data to be received in the input stream.
const readline = require('readline')

const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

rl.question('Size of the image to generate? ', (size) => {
// TODO: Log the answer in a database
var imsize = size + " x " + size + " px"
console.log('Choice of dimensions:', imsize)
Copy the code

Compare [require/import/export in JS][7]

CommonJS & AMD use require to use module

Notes: Asyn event

  • the second question on console
'use strict'
const readline = require('readline')

const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

const question1 = (a)= > {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
rl.question('Size of the image to generate? ', (size) => {

//input control
if ((/^\d+$/.test(size)) && (size > 0) && (size <= 1080)) {
console.log('Choice of dimensions:' + size + " x " + size + " px")
//size{String} are all numbers and size is in [1,1080] integer
return resolve(size)
} else {

const question2 = (a)= > {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
rl.question('Image Name? ', (name) => {
console.log(name+".png on DESKTOP")
return resolve(name)

const main = async() = > {var size = await question1()
var name = await question2()
console.log(name+".png: "+size+" x "+size+" px")


Copy the code

Generate a random image

Thanks to the jimp library, we will be able to create and save images. The dimension will be requested thanks to the previous question.

To install jimp: npm install jimp –save. The dependency is installed and referenced in package.json.

Here are some excerpts from the documentation to manipulate the library:

const Jimp = require("jimp")

// open a file called "lenna.png""lenna.png".function (err, image) {
if (err) throw err
image.write("lena-small-bw.jpg") // save

var image = new Jimp(256.256)

image.getPixelColor(x, y) // colour of that pixel e.g. 0xFFFFFFFF
image.setPixelColor(hex, x, y) // sets the colour of that pixel

// e.g. converts 255, 255, 255, 255 to 0xFFFFFFFF 
Jimp.rgbaToInt(r, g, b, a)

// e.g. converts 0xFFFFFFFF to {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a:255} 

Copy the code
  • Pixels have 4 components (red, green, blue and alpha). Alpha at 255 equals a fully opaque color, 0 at a transparent color.
  • Alpha is of low weight in hexadecimal writing.
  • The Math.random() function returns a pseudo random number between 0 and 1 excluded.

Design a getRandomPixel() function that returns a hexadecimal color at random, but with an alpha component = 255.

Design the buildRandomImage (size, name) function that takes parameters in pixels and the name to save the image to disk. You will call this function inside the callback passed to readline.question(cb).

{% asset_img random.jpg random color image %}

After running your program, you should get an image similar to the example shown here (size: 128px).


'use strict'
/* get a random int number in [minNum,maxNum] in hexadecimal String
* @method randomNum()
* @param minNum{Integer}
* @param maxNum{Integer}
* @return {String} (hexadecimal)
function randomNum(minNum, maxNum) {
var num = parseInt(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1) + minNum, 10)
if (num < 16) {
//if the number is just in one bit, add a 0 in high-order position ("e"->"0e")
num = '0' + num.toString(16)}else {
num=num.toString(16)}return num; 
/* get a random rgb pixel color with 255 alpha 
* @method getRandomPixel()
* @return {String} (hexadecimal and start with '0x')
function getRandomPixel() {
var R = randomNum(0.255)
var G = randomNum(0.255)
var B = randomNum(0.255)
return '0x'+R+G+B+'ff' //with 255 alpha

/* get a random picture in size x size px with 255 alpha RGBA PNG on DeskTop
* @method buildRandomPixel()
* @param size
* @param name image name(without)

function buildRandomImage(size, name) {
const DESKTOP_URL = "C:\\Users\\YolandaW\\Desktop\\"
//Generate a random image
const Jimp = require("jimp")
var image = new Jimp(size, size) 
for ( i = 0; i < size ; i++) {
for ( j = 0; j < size; j++) {
image.setPixelColor(parseInt(getRandomPixel()), i, j) // sets the colour of that pixel
name = name + ".png" //save on Desktop
image.write(DESKTOP_URL+name) //save image  

Copy the code

After combine two question together

'use strict'
const readline = require('readline')

const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout

const askImageSize = (a)= > {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
rl.question('Size of the image to generate? ', (size) => {
//input control
if ((/^\d+$/.test(size)) && (size > 0) && (size <= 1080)) {
console.log('Choice of dimensions:' + size + " x " + size + " px")
//size{String} are all numbers and size is in [1,1080] integer
return resolve(size)
} else {

const askImageName = (a)= > {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) = > {
rl.question('Image Name? ', (name) => {
console.log(name+".png on DESKTOP")
return resolve(name)

/* get a random int number in [minNum,maxNum] in hexadecimal String
* @method randomNum()
* @param minNum{Integer}
* @param maxNum{Integer}
* @return {String} (hexadecimal)
function randomNum(minNum, maxNum) {
var num = parseInt(Math.random() * (maxNum - minNum + 1) + minNum, 10)
if (num < 16) {
//if the number is just in one bit, add a 0 in high-order position ("e"->"0e")
num = '0' + num.toString(16)}else {
num = num.toString(16)}return num;

/* get a random rgb pixel color with 255 alpha 
* @method getRandomPixel()
* @return {String} (hexadecimal and start with '0x')
function getRandomPixel() {
var R = randomNum(0.255)
var G = randomNum(0.255)
var B = randomNum(0.255)
return '0x' + R + G + B + 'ff' //with 255 alpha

/* get a random picture in size x size px with 255 alpha RGBA PNG on DeskTop
* @method buildRandomPixel()
* @param size
* @param name image name(without)

function buildRandomImage(size, name) {
const DESKTOP_URL = "C:\\Users\\YolandaW\\Desktop\\"
//Generate a random image
const Jimp = require("jimp")
var image = new Jimp(size, size)
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) {
image.setPixelColor(parseInt(getRandomPixel()), i, j) // sets the colour of that pixel
name = name + ".png" //save on Desktop
image.write(DESKTOP_URL + name) //save image  

const main = async() = > {var size = await askImageSize()
var name = await askImageName()
buildRandomImage(size, name)
console.log(name + ".png: " + size + " x " + size + " px has been created on DESKTOP")



Copy the code

Notes: Different image form PNG, JP

Notes: read/write image

Notes: JS comments and How to name method

#3 A fractal in shades of gray The sought-after fractal is Mandelbrot’s fractal. The color of each pixel is calculated as a function of the divergence rate of a complex recursive sequence.

For each pixel, we set a number , with x and y the coordinates of the standardized pixel between 0 and 1. To normalize, divide the usual coordinates by the size of each dimension.

The recurrence formula is:

  • is a rank n term of a complex suite
  • is a complex constant, added to each recursion and linked to the pixel

We consider that the series diverges as soon as the modulus of a term exceeds 2. When a divergence is detected, we return n, the rank from which . We calculate at most 20 terms: beyond, we suppose that the sequence converges and we return 20.

We give the algorithm in algorithmic language. Translate it as a function getMandelbrotDivergenceSpeed (Complex): Number.

SpeedDevergence (c: Complex): integer
Data: C: Complex, the coordinates of a pixel such as $(,$$e [0,1] ^2$
Local variable: z: Complex, the term of the sequence $Z$ at rank $n$
Local variable: n: integer the currently calculated rank
Result: Returns the rank $[0, 19]$ from which the divergence is found or $20$ otherwise


  • as long as repeat
  • if then return
  • end as long as
  • return


Design a function coordToComplex (x, y, size): Complex Very simple that accepts two coordinates (x, y) as well as the size of the image and returns a complex c such that:

  • be x normalized between 0 and 1
  • is normalized between 0 and 1

Design a speedToGrey (n): Number function that takes a divergence rate parameter and returns a fully opaque gray hue in hexadecimal such as:

  • n = 0 returns white.
  • n = 20 returns black.

Design a buildGreyFractal (size, name) function that takes parameters in pixels and the name to save the image to disk.

See the entire fractal

Currently, you only see a quarter of the fractal. Why? Because we associate with our pixel coordinates strictly positive values.

For example, on an image of 128x128px:

  • currently
  • The Pixel (0,0) is transformed into Complex (0,0)
  • the pixel (128, 128) is transformed into Complex (1, 1)
  • in the version that you will improve
  • the pixel (0, 0) is transformed into Complex (-1, -1)
  • the pixel (64, 64) is transformed into Complex (0, 0)
  • the pixel (128, 128) is transformed into Complex (1, 1)

Get such behavior only changing the function coordToComplex (x, y, size).

Go further on the manipulation of coordinates

If you still have time at the end of the session, you can tackle the following issues:

  • choose the zoom to apply
  • choose a translation to apply
  • choose a rotation to apply
  • choose a stretch on each of the dimensions

A fractal in color

To enjoy your fractal in color, you can use the following function

function speedToColor (n) {
n = Math.min(n / 50.1)
let s = 1
let l = 0.6, r, g, b

if (s === 0) {
r = g = b = l // achromatic
} else {
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if(t < 0) t += 1
if(t > 1) t -= 1
if(t < 1/6) return p + (q - p) * 6 * t
if(t < 1/2) return q
if(t < 2/3) return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6
return p

var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s
var p = 2 * l - q
r = hue2rgb(p, q, n + 1/3)
g = hue2rgb(p, q, n)
b = hue2rgb(p, q, n - 1/3)}return Jimp.rgbaToInt(
Math.round(r * 255),
Math.round(g * 255),
Math.round(b * 255),
255)}Copy the code

Of course, this is just one example of functions that can turn speed into color. You can design more original ones if you wish.

Smooth iter…

In getIterLevel(x,y,size) just exchange ruturn n to n + 1 - Math.log2(Math.log2(z.module()))

Code Downlad