• Remember a personal interview experience
    • The troubles of fresh graduates
    • Companies that don’t require interviews?

Remember a personal interview experience

This article, not a technical article, is just a record, since the interview so many companies, the first let me experience the sense of the company is very bad, and make fun of it, the eldest brother when eating or squat when have a look ~ 😊

The troubles of fresh graduates

I am a double-non-one student, without the halo support of 985 and 211, I will graduate soon, but I still don’t have an offer, which makes me feel flustered. Say a lot on the feeling of whining, so spare time on the BOSS to see if there is a suitable company, and then there is a company in my mind, and then…… 👉 has the following thing

I thought about the name of the company, but I won’t announce it, because I don’t think it’s good. Yes, on the BOSS website, write XX technology, scale 1000 ~ 9999, and then go to the official website and through the eye of heaven check, it is indeed a listed company, oh hey, so lucky? I sent my resume, and I took my gay friend to the interview with me

Companies that don’t require interviews?

Very strong, the address is written in XX investment building, the location is really good, it is indeed in the investment building inside, and then go up, wait for seven or eight minutes, came over a person, take me two into the interview, I am in front of the end post, gay friends face Java back-end post.

Then the interviewer asked me, “Where?” “Hainan’s”, “What’s my ideal salary”, “(muffled)”, and then sat back and waited for the interviewer to start asking me questions, and at that moment I was thinking: “Closures or prototypes; Do you want me to do JS inheritance or do you want me to write promises? Ask me Vue or React?”

Sure enough, get straight to the point and the interviewer says, “Are you looking for an internship?” “I said no and wanted to be a full-time employee. Then he said,” To tell you directly, it’s meaningless for me to interview you, and it’s a waste of time for both of us to spend time on the card. Your salary is about the same in Beijing and Shanghai.

I was stunned. What about the interview? You mean no interview? Be out?

I asked tentatively, “So?”

Then the interviewer continued to say, “So, the general third-rate training institutions, almost 4k~ 4.5K, a little bit better on 5K, for undergraduate students, ah, you this is a few?” “, I silently said, “a”, “oh, is not the kind of upgrade, two or a? (Haughty tone)

Oh my god? Hearing this sentence, why a little angry? Especially when he said it, his tone and attitude… I put up with it and let him go on

“Well, 6K is the price for all undergraduates. Our company is not a start-up company and does not need financing… The company has not been listed, almost three or five years to be listed, you do not say that Tsinghua and Peking University, tsinghua and Peking University we will give 1W + (like to hear 1.5W is a barrier). I listened and thought, no, your company is not a startup, a public company? And so on? Not yet on the market. Three or five years? According to the BOSS profile, the company has already gone public.

At this point, I don’t want to go to this company, but I still want to know how they pay, so I ask, “What are the benefits and benefits?”

Of course, there will be overtime work. In addition, you need a probation period of four or five months before you can become a regular employee. The salary during the probation period is about three or four thousand yuan, not including food and accommodation.


I thought about it and said no right away. Pretending to be thinking about it, I said, “Can you let me think about it?” , the interviewer: “you add my wechat, you want to come, I let them give you the offer”, I think: I come to a hammer 🔨

The whole interview lasted less than 5 minutes. Oh my God, this is the fastest interview I’ve ever had with a company

Then I wait for my gay friend, less than 5 minutes he also came out, 🎉 and then we laugh together happy, in the laughter, toward the subway station, back to the company to continue to practice……

When I asked him how he felt on the subway, he said, “The interviewer asked him a few questions, but it felt like someone had sent them to him and he was asking me, and I was like MMM, MMM, MMM. Then I was sent home to wait.”

I want to know, is I ah Kuan piao, or he chuhu looked down on me

I know that working overtime is a normal thing in the Internet, and I can’t accept it, but the tone and attitude of the interviewer seriously disappointed me, and the whole company made me feel bad, so I didn’t go

This is just a record. After all, this is my first experience of getting an offer in a 5-minute interview, my first experience of asking questions without assessment, and my first experience with such a poor interview experience


Two words: cow force 🐂