This article is My Development Toolset 2017 for ios. md, published by Durul on Medium.
Hello Folks, I would like to introduce some toolset for 2017 that I use for iOS development tools, miscellaneous, services, websites and frameworks that I am currently using on Macbook.
- I can** recommend GitKraken **for GIT using. GitKraken can add automatically GitFlow.
- I am using different tool for issues following Gitscout
- GitBar is a reminder to uncommitted source code.
- Build Time Analyzer** **is a macOS app that shows you a breakdown of Swift build times of your project.
- Improve your efficiency with Pomodoro Technique using Tomato One
- WatchDog is automatically cleaning up DerivedData for yourself without quitting Xcode or restarting macOS.
- Cakebrew manages Homebrew with GUI interface.
- Liya** can **access MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 using one single interface.
- Quiver is a snippets manager and notebook for saving notes, code or file. For 5 years I have been using snippets. I have supported them by adding Swift. But now it is time to change something.
- When working with node.js or express.js I prefer using Brackets** . If you want to download **WWDC 2016 theme here you are.
- With Oh My Zsh** **your terminal will have eyes and brain.
- Want to read later, put it in Pocket. Don’t install safari and/or chrome extension.
- Need to minify your image, use Squash.
- I assume you know Sketch. But one more thing is Zeplin.
- Interactive layout testing or to check that all screens RevealApp.
- SizeUp resize and position your windows with shortcuts
- BitBar puts the output from any script in the Mac OS X menu bar. More importantly, you can add whatever you need such as Average Review, Application status or version. Don’t forget to check dev plugin.
- Generates words, sentences or paragraphs LittleIpsum.
- I am using code snippets. But If I need remember which code snippets used and when? Paste for clipboard manager.
- Easy APNs Provider best push notification testing tool.
- Gitsome is a awesome Git/GitHub command line interface by terminal.
If you really have time to listen podcast this is my favorite Mac app PodcastMenu
- If I need fake data for my project I can recommend Fakery
- LocalizationKit Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift.
- Armchair is a simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and Mac OSX written in Swift.
- Siren checks installed version of iOS apps and notifies users when a new version published.
- SwiftGen is a code generator tool for auto-generating Swift code.
- Bohr allows us to setup settings screen.
- SwiftyJSON is captain of JSON parsing. If you experience a problem check Kitura version.
- SwiftyBeaver is colorful, flexible and lightweight logging for Swift projects. And there is a Mac App for browsing, searching and filtering.
- Alternative JSON parsing library in Swift
- Hero provides custom view controller transitions
- Find which company used SDKs and services on iOS mobile apps with AppSight
- iOS libraries collection written by Swift iOSCookies
- Tremendous blog about iOS Ole Begemann
- Tips and techniques for iOS and Mac littlebitesofcocoa
- Awesome mobile engineering Blog. You must read all article at Toptal.
- Deep iOS blog Erica Sadun.
- List of my most used commands and shortcuts in the terminal for Mac
- List of shortcuts in Xcode
- A public list of APIs from around the web.
- Best font library for iOS.
- If I do not want to install local MongoDB, Mysql, Jenkins or Minecraft Docker is helping all of this and much more. With Docker you can build backend, database and distributed applications for your project or your prototype. Don’t forget to check out Docker for Swift.
- If you are using Docker you should have Kitematic and** [Captain**](
- If you need cloud computing platform, my favorite is digitalOcean.
- I use Asana to manage projects.
- Patch crashes in apps or redefine parameters
- Product usage statistics GoogleAnalytics
- Find and search free stock photos from one spot Zoommy
- Free and high quality icons TheNounProject