The first is the creative side that comes from within

While you can learn a lot from others, you can also be inspired by what you already have. But the real creative inspiration comes from you. For example, Steve Jobs, he was not an engineer, he was not a programmer, but he was very creative, he pushed Apple to create iOS, Siri.

Maybe you want to ask what kind of creativity is needed for programming? Anyone can take a few classes online or offline, read a few books and get started writing code. But these things are fed to you by other people and you need to have some ideas and creativity of your own and come up with your own framework. Dennis Ritchie, for example, creatively wrote the C programming language, which is by far the most widely used.

It is like any spoken language, everyone knows some language, but not everyone is a poet or a writer. You need creative skills to be called a great poet or writer.

Then there is technology

You need to start with some programming languages. In the past, many people started writing programs in C. And then a lot of people started using BASIC. Now people start with Python or PHP. It doesn’t really matter what language you start with. The important thing is that once you understand these concepts, you can write algorithms and draw flowcharts.

In summary, if you spend too much time doing the following, it might improve your skills a little bit, but you’ll never be a good programmer:

  • A programmer who only reads books will never be a good programmer. The old saying All read and no practice makes Jack a dull boy, and the old saying is definitely true. It’s not that you should not read, it’s just that you should not only read, you should use what you learn to build simple applications.

  • By memorizing code and algorithms. Programming is thinking, not remembering. You can have the best memory, but if you don’t think for yourself, you’ll never be a good programmer. We have computers and the Internet to remember things for us, you don’t need to remember anything, you just need to understand where and how to find the information you need.

  • By writing individual functions and algorithms in the books you read, i.e. writing stupid bubbling sort functions and similar useless algorithms.

  • By testing other people’s code. Such as whether to use test software or write unit tests

  • Read and debug other people’s code. This may help in the short term, but only if the other person’s code is well written. But reading bad code as an example will teach you a bad habit, and you’ll probably always remember the wrong habit. Spending too much time reading and debugging other people’s code will hurt your growth in the long run.

  • Let someone else manage you. Programming is about thinking for yourself. You need to manage yourself.

The best way to become a good programmer is:

You must complete a project on your own. Don’t put too much emphasis on reading books, syntax, algorithms and features, that is, don’t pay too much attention to details at first. You can simply sit down and think of an application/system you’d like to develop for yourself…… Ask your colleagues/teachers what they think if you really need to, but you have to think on your own and do it on your own.

Once you’ve figured it out, keep the idea in your head and pursue it with passion, and everything will start slowly. You’ll think about the features you want to implement, and you’ll start figuring out how to implement this or that.

Only then should you pick up a book or search the Internet for answers on how to implement this cool feature you think you can do. As your application/system evolves, you’ll slowly start thinking about writing cleaner code that you can use in the future to make your job easier.

Only by bringing your ideas to life can you learn how to be a good programmer. You should think of yourself as an artist, not as someone who compiles and runs code. If you just work on someone else’s code, or just read books, etc., you will quickly lose motivation and you will never discover or use your talents.