In his book Smart Wave: The Age of Augmentations, critic Brett King argues that technologies such as artificial intelligence being explored today will radically redefine humanity’s next era, which could be called the Age of Augmentations.

In 2019, digital transformation, artificial intelligence and RPA were frequently mentioned. There are many cases that enterprises complete digital transformation by loading RPA integrated with AI technology, and the appearance of an “intelligent enhancement era” has emerged in the business field.

How will the business change as a result? How will people’s jobs change?

In most jobs, redundancy and repetition are the norm, and human efficiency has not been released as it should be. How to maximize the value of human resources is a problem that almost all companies need to think about. It is also the earnest expectation of employees who struggle in the workplace to show their talents and achieve more meaningful career.

The root cause of the RPA fire in 2019 is that the base of RPA is actually people. The efficiency improvement it brings is to liberate people from simple, repetitive and inefficient work. From the perspective of management, solutions to improve enterprise efficiency are always difficult to satisfy both labor and capital. It is difficult to balance the interests of different positions. RPA is one of the few tools that can unify the interests of enterprises and employees.

It is a gift to help companies restructure their business value, but also to help employees improve their self-worth.

For enterprises, from the release of human resources, work process reengineering to the upgrade of enterprise management mode, the addition of RPA will give enterprises great energy to develop at full speed. If this is too abstract, look at how the RPA can help from an employee’s point of view.

An employee working in a bank needs to check whether a credit card applicant’s qualifications meet the criteria before deciding whether to issue a credit card. In the past, he had to collect specific data, approve the relevant information, send notices and issue credit cards to applicants who met the criteria. There were hundreds of applicants waiting for him every day, day after day, a never-ending job. With the help of the RPA, some fixed procedures, such as checking identity card information and inputting applicants’ information, can be automated. It makes his job easier, he just makes judgment calls, efficiency increases dramatically, the bank is happy, the review speeds up, the bank’s customers are happier.

One of the many tasks an HR person in a large company has to do is greet new colleagues. New colleagues arrive, open mailbox, open account, open authority, various matters, repeated operation is also much. It is a trivial task but not a difficult one. The steps are tractable and the rules are simple and clear. This kind of work can be entrusted to RPA, who will be a very competent helper to assist HR in handling the entry matters of new employees with super executive power and fully express friendship and respect to new colleagues. I believe this is exactly what a mature HR wants.

Dealing with customer complaints can be a daunting task, and the barrage of problems can be maddening or frustrating. With the HELP of the RPA, things are much easier. The first is screening, with new and old problems grouped together. Then make a response, old problems automatically provide the corresponding solution on the line, new problems and then transferred to the manual. That reduces the number of customers employees can directly address. The RPA can be online 24 hours a day and can respond to customers even late at night, so that customers don’t get angry and employees who deal with customer complaints don’t get blamed.

If you want to learn more about what RPA does, you can click the link below.

What can RPA do for you in the era of “human-machine collaboration”?

More and more “future scenarios” are becoming a reality step by step, it can be foreseen that man-machine collaboration will be the direction of the world’s development. We believe that RPA will become a faithful partner of human beings, and we will do our best to create the “0 code”, the most easy to use, the most universal value of RPA intelligent assistant.

Let RPA become a bridge of win-win between enterprises and employees, so that everyone’s value can be released.

It’s a wish, it’s a promise, and it’s the best gift we can give you at Christmas.