Apsara Clouder Big Data Skills Certification: Using deep learning TensorFlow framework for image recognition

This certification system introduces some basic knowledge of deep learning, and the working principle of Tensorflow. Through Ali Cloud machine learning PAI based on the classic CIFAR-10 data set to achieve image recognition. Through this experiment, students can have a simple and intuitive understanding of deep learning Tensorflow framework.


Machine learning PAI introduction

This section mainly introduces the functions and common operations of Aliyun machine learning PAI platform.


Using TensorFlow to achieve image classification

This paper introduces the concept and architecture of deep learning, uses PAI and TensorFlow to realize image recognition and classification, and master the process of image classification in deep learning and the realization based on PAI.


Laboratory manual

In this experiment, standard data set CIFAR-10 will be adopted to train an image recognition model using the popular deep learning framework TensorFlow, which can identify which category the content in the new image belongs to.

EnsorFlow is Google’s open source deep learning toolkit. It abstracts the complex computing process of deep learning into Data Flow Graph, and provides a concise and flexible high-level abstract interface, so that users can use deep learning through simple learning.

More on image recognition using deep learning TensorFlow framework:

Apsara Clouder Big Data Skills Certification: Using deep learning TensorFlow framework for image recognition

This course introduces some of the basics of deep learning and how Tensorflow works. Through Ali Cloud machine learning PAI based on the classic CIFAR-10 data set to achieve image recognition. Through this experiment, students can have a simple and intuitive understanding of deep learning Tensorflow framework.

Official website of Ali Yun University (Official website of Ali Yun University, Innovative Talent Workshop under cloud Ecology)