If you want to look through the previous ES6 series chapters, you always have to check the history of the public account, especially when there is no wifi in the subway, each page switch has to load for a long time, quite troublesome.

Don’t be afraid, the most understand your front jun again, come a perfect summary, you want ES6, all here!

Section 1: What is ES6? What should a novice understand

Section 2: ES6 added let keyword, why used?

Section 3: Another keyword that has to be said in ES6 is const

Section 4: How to quickly make your browser compatible with ES6 features

Section 5: An exciting new ES6 feature: Deconstructing assignment

Section 6: What interesting features does ES6 bring to the String?

Section 7: What extensions does ES6 make for values?

Section 8: What extensions does ES6 make to arrays?

Section 9: What extensions does ES6 make for objects?

Section 10: What extensions does ES6 make to functions?

Lesson 10: Extension of functions – the use of this for the arrow function

Section 11: JavaScript has a new data type: Symbol

What does ES6 Proxy have to do with going to the bank to deposit money?

Section 13: Easy to Learn and Useful New features: for… of

What exactly is an ES6 Iterator?

Section 15: There is a special function called Generator function

Section 16: ES6 new Set and WeakSet is what things?

Section 17: What is the new Map and WeakMap of ES6?

Lesson 18: How to Use ES6 Promise objects

Lesson 19: At last, JavaScript has a class

Lesson 20: A long-missing feature – the Module module

Heavy test: 2 sets of problem sets + answer analysis designed for ES6 series

The front of the public account

Programming in plain English