This is an article written in my wechat public account [Ruochuan Vision], now simultaneously published in Nuggets. After seven years of college entrance examination and three years of work

Another year of college entrance examination is over. It has been seven years since the college entrance examination and three years of work. Many of my friends from the same year also graduated from graduate school, and the last group of students I met in college also graduated. It’s the end of a phase.

The college entrance exam largely determines the course of one’s life

Seven years ago (2012) sitting in the small county seat of his hometown, writing Chinese test papers. I spent a lot of time in front of me, so I didn’t have too much time to write my composition. Later, when I took an examination of mathematics, I thought from time to time that Chinese might not do well. Now I think that at that time it took more than 40 minutes to write a composition of no less than 800 words, but now this ability has deteriorated.

After the college entrance examination scores, their own research and analysis to buy the register guide books. Chose a few major and school, with the simple cognition to these major and school, finally entered oneself for an examination in Internet bar a few schools and major. Finally, I was admitted to the major of Information Management and Information System.

That summer vacation, I thought I had never left the small county where I was, and I had no idea what college was like. So I look forward to the coming college life. Just like in the third year is about to graduate, to the society and the workplace can also be said to know little.

On June 3, 2015, the teacher of the research group invited three of us and a senior of the same major who was returning to shenzhen as an intern to have dinner at his home. I chatted with seniors about some work topics, probably meaning that the pressure is still quite big, Shenzhen rental is also more than one thousand, the room is not big and so on. (As a freshman in 2013, I attended a job fair held by the university and saw the salary of development graduates was 5 or 6K, which was not bad at that time.) When I heard that renting a house costs more than 1,000 yuan, I immediately felt that I knew too little about the society and workplace. But that summer vacation set the direction for my future work.

At that time, a few of us felt that maybe not many people in our college class would be engaged in jobs related to their major. But in fact there are still a large number of people choose IT Internet industry after graduation. Because after all, there really aren’t many options. Many graduates from prestigious universities I know have also moved into the Internet industry from other industries.

Looking back, the college entrance exam is actually quite important. At least, I decided which city I would study with in the next four years, and to a large extent, I decided the direction of my work. Although many people may not be engaged in a job related to their major years after graduation.

When I was a child, I also heard more or less that reading was useless. But after three years of work, I found that most of the industry’s well-known leaders and company leaders are from first-class universities. Graduates from first-class universities are more likely to join first-tier companies. Then do graduates from ordinary universities have the opportunity to enter first-line companies? There are some graduates in ordinary universities, but their efforts and ability will surpass most of them. In the age before the Internet, acquiring knowledge may be really difficult. Now in the Internet era, there is no shortage of good courses and materials, which can greatly help some people to learn and grow up. There’s a picture that might best represent this situation.

take part in the postgraduate entrance exams

Now take an examination of one’s deceased father grind, take an examination of one’s deceased father grind is one of the better ways to promote vision and field of vision, graduate student still has certain opportunity to stay in college to work, and undergraduate student does not have. Double blame school, although it is computer kind major, can take an examination of grind take an examination of grind as far as possible. In 2017, I chatted with a university teacher who came to Hangzhou on business. As a doctoral teacher of Fudan University, I suggest that if you feel that writing code has met a growth bottleneck, you might as well take the postgraduate entrance examination and read a good school, such as Fudan Jiaotong University. So the platform is different after graduation. (At that time, I thought it was Fudan University, and it was fudan Jiaotong University. After all, it was very difficult to pass the exam.)


From primary school to college, college to work. Each time is a zero, a new start. Some people say: before graduation, I thought I had infinite possibilities, but after graduation, I returned to the real world. Plan ahead for IT jobs. As the saying goes, chance comes to those who are prepared. Asked a number of better academic performance of younger brother younger sister, they are not feeling well learned professional courses. Mainly practice is not much. Lead to more differences with enterprise requirements. But people who have done well in all areas in the past can adapt quickly to new situations and do well.

Looking at wechat circle of friends, it is easy to fall into the vicious circle of envy

A term comes to mind called the survival bias. This refers to seeing only the results of a certain screening process without being aware of the screening process and therefore ignoring the key information that has been filtered out. Circle of friends dynamic is also sent out after screening, generally speaking, circle of friends is a good side, positive energy. As a result, many people envy others and may feel that they are the worst. I will also envy some of my 985, 211 high school classmates and good relationship to read graduate students. As the saying goes: those outside the city want to go into the city, and those in the city want to go out. ** But there are some things that are only more profound when you experience them yourself. The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice. For some time, various articles analyzed where Pinduoduo’s 300 million users came from. Some people say that undergraduate students make up only 4% of China’s population. Although people in big cities seldom use the word Duo duo, we do not have a comprehensive understanding of China.

We all know that China has 9.6 million square kilometers of land, but we don’t have a complete idea of how many cities, counties, towns and villages it has. Statistics show that China has about 300 “cities”, 2,856 “counties”, 41,658 “towns” and 662,238 “villages”.

I am one of more than 600,000 villages.

Contacts circle

After you start working, your network shrinks. This is probably one of the things many professionals agree on. Even if there are classmates and friends in the city where I work, I only get together once or twice a year at most. There are distance reasons as well as time reasons. From elementary school to college, you’re told that once you graduate, your classmates are no longer together. Sounds alarmist. But so far, it looks like it’s true. The whole class has never been together. University is to know a lot of people, but go their separate ways, forget in the river’s lake, is our common outcome. The main reason for the narrow circle is that most people in the workplace only deal with people on the company team, and only know the people in the circle. Networking can be very useful, but it takes some accumulation on a regular basis.

Confusion in the workplace

Workplace confusion often stems from incompetence. Thinking about change, but unable to change. Remember once a group of people chat, asked everyone’s ideal is what, the basic answer is no ideal, I am the same. Many people are not clear about their future plans and career plans, or don’t know themselves very well at all. As a result, I want to change now, but I don’t know how to change, falling into a vicious circle. To change, you need to know yourself and ask yourself what you want to be and who you want to be. ** In order to achieve the goal, I have a big goal, make feasible plan, according to their own implementation, constantly modify the plan, constantly get positive feedback, this feeling is very good. There is a saying that if you don’t force yourself, you don’t know how good you can be. Cultivate your own good habits, continue to understand yourself, set goals, deliberately practice, get positive feedback, a virtuous cycle, improve their ability in all aspects.

There are many choices ahead

In the past 20 years, there were many choices: to choose universities and majors, to choose whether to take postgraduate exams, to choose cities and industries, to choose companies. There are many options ahead. Sometimes I feel anxious when I think about the future, and I feel like I need to race against time. Often asked by friends and colleagues, will you stay in Hangzhou all the time? I usually answer such questions like this, and can only say that I have been in Hangzhou for the last few years. As it takes longer to graduate from college, there are more and more life-changing issues to consider.

Finally, I attach my thoughts after one year’s work.

After a year on the job, SOMETHING dawned on me


Author: Often in the name of ruochuan mixed traces in rivers and lakes. The front road lovers | | PPT know little, only good study. Personal blog segmentfault front view column, opened front view column, welcome to pay attention to ~ dig gold column, welcome to pay attention to ~ github blog, begged a star^_^~