[TOC] This tutorial is based on Ubuntu 17.10, but in addition to the Gnome plug-in section below, several versions of Ubuntu16 and above are also supported


Ubuntu 17.10 was released on October 19, 2017. Ubuntu provides us with a friendly Linux desktop user experience, as well as the advantages of native terminals and native Docker over Windows, making it suitable for developers and people who need to learn Linux. But it’s hard to find software that offers the same experience on Linux, such as Office and Adobe tools on Windows. So, dual system is a very good choice.

The final result

2017-10-20 12-42-04 Screenshot. PNG

Installation preparation

  • A USB flash drive larger than 2GB

  • A computer that already has Windows installed

  • Ubuntu 17.10 official download address: www.ubuntu.com/download/de…


  • -Rufus: rufus.akeo.ie/? The locale = zh_… Portable version [Rufus 2.17 Portable] can be downloaded, no installation required, ready to use when decompressed


Making a boot disk

Open Rufus, select the USB drive, select the Ubuntu 17.10 image downloaded above (note that important data on the USB drive should be backed up first, the USB drive will be formatted in this step), click start and wait for the write to succeed


Allocating disk Partitions

  • Right-click computer -> Manage -> Disk Management, right-click DISK C, and choose Compressed Volume (recommended to install SSD)


  • To divide up the space you want to allocate to Ubuntu, select compress and I have allocated 100GiB here



The installation

  • Restart the computer, select the USB flash drive prepared above to boot, and select the second option – Install Ubuntu


  • Select a language (It is recommended to select English first and then modify it after installation, otherwise the personal folder will also be in Chinese)


  • Continue all the way to here, where the first option is to Install Ubuntu next to Windows, click Install Now below


  • It will ask you to confirm writing to disk, so click Continue


  • During the process, you need to configure some user names and passwords

  • After the installation is complete, the system prompts you to Restart the system. Click Restart and remove the USB flash drive or select a non-USB flash drive to start the system


The system configuration


After you reboot, you’ll see this screen, where you can switch to Windows and select the third option, Windows Boot Manager


The restart is complete, congratulations, the dual system installation is complete, the following is a series of configuration

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Change the language

  • Press win to search for setting and change the language to Chinese. After the change, you will be prompted to log out of the account and log in again to make the Chinese language take effect

Screenshot from 2017-10-20 10-32-24.png

  • When you log in again, you will be prompted to change the English path to Chinese, so you must choose Keep old name and keep the English personal folder path

Install the driver

  • Press the Win key to search Software & Update open (not Software Update)
  • Here you can choose the download source, you can choose China -> Aliyun or 163 or other sources, and now reload will be prompted for the update

    Screenshot from 2017-10-20 11-11-02.png

  • Select the additional driver, select the closed source driver, apply the changes, and wait patiently. During driver installation, other software cannot be installed at the same time. Restart the system after the installation is complete

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Common Software Installation

Google Chrome

  • Install Google browser, I personally prefer Google browser firefox, you can choose according to his be fond of Google browser downloads address, select the deb package download (domestic accessible) : www.google.cn/chrome/brow… Press CTRL + Alt +T to open the terminal and run the following command to install the terminal. The dependency error will be displayed during the execution of the first command, which can be ignored. The second command is to repair the dependency:
sudo dpkg -i Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f
Copy the code

Screenshot from 2017-10-20 10-37-29.png

Tencent QQ/TIM

  • Download the Crossover www.codeweavers.com/products/cr…
  • Install command
Sudo DPKG -i Downloads/crossover_16.2.5-1.deb sudo apt install -fCopy the code
  • Search for crossover and a terminal will pop up asking you to enter your password to install the dependency
  • After entering Crossover, click “Install Windows software” at the bottom, click “Update Now” at the top, search “TIM” at the end of the update, select “Install” and click “Install”. At this time, a terminal will pop up to guide us to install dependencies, and an error message will be displayed after entering the passwordUnable to locate the software package libsane:i386Instead of pressing Enter, copy the command above
  • Add thelibsane:i386Delete the file and run the command again
sh -c "apt-get update; Apt-get install libcapi20-3:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libgsm1:i386 libldap-2.4-2:i386 libmpg123-0:i386 libopenal1:i386 libosmesa6:i386 libpulse0:i386 libtiff5:i386 libv4l-0:i386 libxcomposite1:i386 libxinerama1:i386 libxml2:i386 Libxslt1.1: i386."Copy the code
  • There will be a screen for installing several software and TIM, which will be installed by default. Don’t use it immediately, but close it and wait for Crossover to complete the installation
  • TIM can now be launched in the system menu or inside Crossover

Screenshot of 2017-10-20 13-08-02. PNG

Sogou Pinyin input method

  • Download: pinyin.sogou.com/linux/?r=pi…
  • Install command
Sudo DPKG -i Download/sogoupinyin_2.1.0.0086_amd64.deb sudo apt install -fCopy the code
  • After the installation, search Language Support, change the keyboard input system to Fcitx, and restart the system. At this time, you can switch between Chinese and English by pressing Shift, but there is no corresponding icon in the status bar. You should wait for the Ubuntu official fix

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Oh My Zsh

Zsh is a very powerful terminal. For example, you can use arrow keys to select Tab prompts and intelligent Tab auto-completion. After installation, you need to restart the terminal to change the default shell into Zsh

Screenshot from 2017-10-20 11-25-39.png

Official website: ohmyz.sh/ Installation command

sudo apt install git zsh
sh -c "$(wget https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh -O -)"
Copy the code


  • Install the docker docs.docker.com/engine/inst can refer to the official document…
  • Note that docker has not been officially adapted to 17.10 yet, so it should be used when executing the command below the official document$(lsb_release -cs)tozesty
sudo add-apt-repository \
   "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
   $(lsb_release -cs) \
Copy the code
sudo add-apt-repository \
   "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
   zesty \
Copy the code


  • Remove the Amazon AD icon
sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/com.canonical.launcher.amazon.desktop
sudo rm -f /usr/share/applications/ubuntu-amazon-default.desktop
Copy the code
  • Remove unnecessary software. Remove non-essential software such as games, photo beautification tools, video and music players, and Firefox
sudo apt-get autoremove firefox firefox-locale-en \ firefox-locale-zh-hans rhythmbox gnome-sudoku \ gnome-mahjongg gnome-mines transmission-common \ cheese totem-common aisleriot gedit gnome-online-accounts \ gnome-calendar simple-scan  shotwell shotwell-common thunderbirdCopy the code

System beautify

The following two tools need to be installed first:

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool chrome-gnome-shell
Copy the code
  • Theme download address: www.gnome-look.org/browse/cat/…
  • Icon download address: www.gnome-look.org/browse/cat/…
  • Personal favorite themes and ICONS www.gnome-look.org/p/1099856/ www.gnome-look.org/p/1166289/
  • Download and unzip it and create it in your personal folder.themes,.iconsTwo folders, one for themes and one for ICONS
  • Search for tweak and change themes and ICONS. Tweak Tool also has a number of cosmetic configuration items, such as fonts, startup items, that you can tweak to your liking

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Gnome plug-in

Gnome provides a number of plugins that can be quickly accessed by visiting Extensions.gnome.org/ in Chrome

  • AlternateTab: Press Alt + TAB to switch tasks to display thumbnails


  • OpenWeather: Displays the weather information at the top of the desktop

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  • Top panel workspace Scroll: Switch workspaces by scrolling on the Top bar (note that the scroll delay should be set to milliseconds, otherwise it is easy to scroll multiple workspaces at once)

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  • Sound Input & Output Device Chooser: Quick toggle audio source output device in top right corner for easy toggle headphones and speakers

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  • Workspace Indicator: Displays the current Workspace on the right side of the top bar


  • System-monitor: displays the system resource usage status in the top bar

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  • User Themes: You can set the theme of the shell in the theme appearance

Most plug-ins can be configured at an advanced level in tweak Tool

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Play the final result again

2017-10-20 12-42-04 Screenshot. PNG


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