Introduction to the

Automatic packaging of iOS applications can bring endless convenience to developers. It saves a lot of time.

Author Bruce’s script, put on Github BashShell

In addition, Bryce Zhang summed up one article: Portal

Build+DeployToFir. Sh doesn’t require as much manual configuration as XcodeBuild+ install. sh does, and some fixes are optimized. When you package it and upload it to fir. Im, it will update the record. Note that the update record is read from the README file in the project root directory. Add or change 84 ok and remember to modify the curl -x PUT – data “changelog = $changelog” Token = TokenValue = tokenValue = tokenValue = tokenValue

Sendemail directory

Sendemail desensitization has been done, so if you want to use python, please follow the instructions below to modify. Build Configure the package and email script. Change line 7 path=~/work/projectname/ path. I put it under ~/ xcodeBuild /sendemail, if not, pay attention to the path in the script. Myconfig: Modify username and passwd, if you are also qq enterprise email SMTP, do not need to change, otherwise modify. ToEmailAddress: to whom you want to send an email, one line at a time. Update. TXT: to what is in the email when you send it

1. Xcode command line compilation generates ipA package, and the relevant logs are output to the ~/ XcodeBuild directory 2. Generate plist file and HTML download page configure the project path, URL can be packaged in one click!

To resolve info.plist conflicts, note the path to the info.plist file

Resolve project file conflicts project.pbxproj

Extract the Git commit number as a build version and update it

This file is a function related to date

Thank you again for taking the time to read this article!

Weibo: @danny_ Lu Changhui blog: SuperDanny