Visit address:portal

Handy Note


Use navicat11 client to connect localhost mysql database and get Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'newpass';
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idea2018 active code
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use zsh as the default shell in vscode

  1. Open User Settings and search

  2. Set it to /bin/zsh

use code command to open a project with vscode quickly in shell

  1. Command+Shift+P and search shell command

  2. Choose Install 'code' command in PATH

preview markdown file real time in vscode

  1. Command+Shift+P and search markdown

  2. Choose Open locked preview to the side


The environment variable

vim ~/.bash_profile
export M2_HOME=/Users/username/Documents/maven # Here is your Maven path
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
source ~/.bash_profile

mvn -v
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The plug-in USES

  • maven-install-plugin
  • maven-install-plugin/examples

The plugin problem

  • maven-plugins-can-not-be-found-in-intellij


View the Linux version

lsb_release -a
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lsb = Linux Standard Base

CPU usage

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CPU information

cat /proc/cpuinfo |more
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Check the memory

free -m
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Check the disk

df -h
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fdisk -l
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Command interpretation


  • which & whereis

/usr/bin is different from /usr/local/bin

  • /usr/bin & /usr/local/bin


use zsh as the default shell

  1. See the shells you already installed with the command
cat /etc/shells
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  1. Set zsh as the default shell
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
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  1. (Optional)If you want to configure zsh mannually, use
vim ~/.zshrc
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  1. After change .zshrc, do remember to source it to make it work
source ~/.zshrc
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  1. (Restore default shell)
chsh -s /bin/bash
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Initialize the git

  1. Check the configuration
git config --list
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  1. Initialize the user and mailbox
git config --global "your name"
git config --global your email
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SSH keys are generated locally and stored remotely for SSH access

  1. Generate a ssh key locally
ssh-keygen -o
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  1. Catch your key just generated before
cat ~/.ssh/
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  1. Put it into your ssh keys in your romote repository

Use VS Code to open the project from Git Clone on Github, modify it and make git remote association, and input your account and password every time when git push

Storing global accounts

git config --global credential.helper wincred
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Git global configuration user name. Multiple configurations are generated due to misoperations


Use the following incorrect command and parameters to modify the configuration

git config --global = "M1kewang"
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Changing the configuration item first does not require an equal sign or quotes

The result of this configuration is two user.names, as follows

git config -l
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That is, a record with the value of as an equal sign is generated

Git will not know which configuration you are trying to manipulate because there are two properties with the same name

The specific error

warning: has multiple values
error: cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value
       Use a regexp, --add or --replace-all to change
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The solution

Let’s take a look at what configuration parameters git has

git config
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In Git, the configuration is stored as a global variable, like in MySQL.

Trying to do this, however, is not ideal and will prompt you that there are multiple records for the property to be modified

warning: has multiple values
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The correct way to do this is to batch the property, which is to modify all the property values with the same name

git config --global --replace-all M1kewang
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Git then merges the two same properties into one and returns to normal


Upload local projects to Github

  1. Get into your project folder and git init, then a .git folder was created.

  2. Add your files to git.

git add .
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  1. Commit your added files to the stage area.
git commit -m "write your comment"
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  1. Link your local git project with your GitHub repository.
git remote add origin
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  1. Pull the existed files of your current GitHub repository.
git pull origin master
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  1. Fix the conflicts if there exist.

  2. Push your local project managed by git to your remote GitHub repository.

git push -u origin master
Copy the code
  1. Done.


  • install-on-ubuntu


  • Nslookup Domain name related


  • nslookup